Table of ContentsConstitution and AdministrationThe Legal SystemThe EconomyFinancial and Monetary AffairsCommerce and IndustryEmploymentEducationHealthFood Safety, Environmental Hygiene, Agriculture and FisheriesSocial WelfareHousingLand, Public Works and UtilitiesTransportThe EnvironmentTravel and TourismPublic OrderCommunications, the Media and Information Technology Religion and CustomRecreation, Sport and the ArtsPopulation and ImmigrationHistoryAppendices
Traditional Chinese Simplified Chinese
Commerce and Industry
Merchandise Trade Performance
The Manufacturing Sector
The Services Sector
External Investment
The Institutional Framework
External Commercial Relations
Small and Medium Enterprises
Promotion of Innovation and Technology
Protection of Intellectual Property Rights
Services Promotion
Business Facilitation
Trade Documentation
Hong Kong Awards for Industry
Trade and Industrial Support Organisations
Standards and Conformance Services
Human Resources, Technical Education and Industrial Training
Consumer Protection
Trade in Endangered Species
Home Pages
Human Resources, Technical Education and Industrial Training

Success in the knowledge-based economy of the 21st century depends heavily upon the availability of talent and skilled manpower at all levels. Higher-level education and training are provided by the tertiary education institutions. The Vocational Training Council (VTC) provides technical education and industrial training. It also administers the New Technology Training Scheme which provides financial assistance to employers for training their staff in new technologies and other technologies that are not yet widely applied locally but the application of which will significantly benefit Hong Kong. The Clothing Industry Training Authority (CITA) runs two training centres for the clothing and footwear industries.

The Government also implements the Admission Scheme for Mainland Talents and Professionals. The scheme aims at attracting talented persons and professionals from the Mainland to work in Hong Kong to meet local manpower needs and enhance Hong Kong's competitiveness in the globalised market.


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