The Government's Helping Business Programme aims
to create a more business-friendly environment, thereby maintaining
Hong Kong's position as one of the best places in the world for
doing business. Measures are initiated under the programme to make
government regulations and procedures more business-friendly and
reduce compliance costs to business. During the year, 15 studies
and projects were completed or initiated; and over 30 recommendations
for improvements were implemented.
An Economic and Employment Council (EEC), comprising
representatives from the political, business, labour and academic
sectors as well as concerned Directors of Bureaux, was set up by
the Government in January. The EEC and its sub-group on Business
Facilitation guide the programme. The current foci of the programme
are on sector-specific reviews, particularly the regulatory framework
impacting on the construction, real estate, retail and entertainment
business sectors. Industry representatives provide input through
their involvement in the review task forces.
The Business Facilitation Division of the Economic
Analysis and Business Facilitation Unit under the Financial Secretary's
Office has taken over the above functions from the Commerce and
Industry Branch since June. The unit also provides support to the
EEC, the sub-group and its task forces.