Table of ContentsConstitution and AdministrationThe Legal SystemThe EconomyFinancial and Monetary AffairsCommerce and IndustryEmploymentEducationHealthFood Safety, Environmental Hygiene, Agriculture and FisheriesSocial WelfareHousingLand, Public Works and UtilitiesTransportThe EnvironmentTravel and TourismPublic OrderCommunications, the Media and Information Technology Religion and CustomRecreation, Sport and the ArtsPopulation and ImmigrationHistoryAppendices
Traditional Chinese Simplified Chinese
Commerce and Industry
Merchandise Trade Performance
The Manufacturing Sector
The Services Sector
External Investment
The Institutional Framework
External Commercial Relations
Small and Medium Enterprises
Promotion of Innovation and Technology
Protection of Intellectual Property Rights
Services Promotion
Business Facilitation
Trade Documentation
Hong Kong Awards for Industry
Trade and Industrial Support Organisations
Standards and Conformance Services
Human Resources, Technical Education and Industrial Training
Consumer Protection
Trade in Endangered Species
Home Pages
Trade Documentation

As a free port, the HKSAR maintains minimal import and export documentation requirements. Most products do not need licences to enter or leave Hong Kong. Licences or notifications are only required if the HKSAR needs to fulfil its international obligations, to protect public health, safety, environment, or intellectual property rights, or to ensure Hong Kong's unrestricted access to high technologies and high-tech products. Products that require import or export licences include textiles and clothing, strategic commodities, rice, chilled or frozen meat and poultry, pharmaceutical products and medicines, pesticides, radioactive substances and irradiating apparatus, and optical disc mastering and replication equipment. The Import and Export (Facilitation) Ordinance 2003, which came into operation in January 2004, provided the relaxation of import, export and transhipment control of nine categories of articles, such as air conditioners and refrigerators, left-hand-drive vehicles and ozone depleting substances, from licensing controls. The changes facilitate trade while not affecting the HKSAR's commitment to fulfill international obligations.

The HKSAR maintains a certification of origin system to facilitate its exports to overseas markets. The Trade and Industry Department administers this system and issues certificates of origin. In addition, the Government has designated five organisations to issue certificates of origin — the Hong Kong General Chamber of Commerce, the Federation of Hong Kong Industries, the Indian Chamber of Commerce Hong Kong, the Chinese Manufacturers' Association of Hong Kong, and the Chinese General Chamber of Commerce.

Government Electronic Trading Services

To maintain Hong Kong's competitiveness in the global business community, the Government has been promoting the wider adoption of electronic commerce in the trading community since the early 1990s through gradually mandating the submission of certain trade documents in electronic form. The Government engages service providers to provide the necessary front-end services (known as Government Electronic Trading Services (GETS)).


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