Hong Kong 2005
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Chapter 9: Food Safety, Environmental Hygiene, Agriculture and Fisheries*
Pest Control

Prevention of vector-borne and rodent-borne diseases is one of the important public health functions of the FEHD. The department constantly reviews the methodology used and strategy adopted in pest control to enhance effectiveness and efficacy. Anti-rodent and anti-mosquito campaigns were mounted throughout Hong Kong during the year to promote community participation in controlling the pests.

The department continued its surveillance programme on Aedes albopictus, dengue fever-carrying mosquitoes, in the community and all the major port areas. A 12-month study on the distribution of Japanese encephalitis vectors completed during the year indicated that the major vector of the disease, Culex tritaeniorhynchus, breeds in many parts of the territory. The FEHD stepped up anti-mosquito action at breeding sites.

Anti-mosquito squads conducted inspections of various venues in 2005, including 21 111 inspections of construction sites and 189 079 visits to village-type houses, and a total of 52 758 mosquito breeding grounds were eliminated. The anti-mosquito efforts will continue in order to reduce the risk of dengue fever and Japanese encephalitis.

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