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Survey and Mapping

The Survey and Mapping Office of Lands Department provides various survey and mapping services for land, building and engineering developments in Hong Kong. Specifically, it provides maps and aerial photographs, land boundary survey service for land administration, and aerial survey and photogrammetric service for specific purposes in addition to general mapping. It also establishes and maintains the territory-wide Geodetic Network which provides a unique geographical positioning reference system. It administers the Land Survey Ordinance, which governs the conduct and practice of Authorised Land Surveyors, and controls the standard of land boundary survey. It is delegated with the authority to name roads and streets under the Public Health and Municipal Services Ordinance, and to name geographical places on request. To fulfil these functions effectively and efficiently, the office has set up a Land Information Centre housing a computerised land information system and its sub-systems and databases. The Basic Mapping System provides the 1:1 000 basic digital mapping covering all of Hong Kong. The Cadastral Information System records all land boundaries for identifying land parcels.

During 2004, six more Global Positioning System (GPS) reference stations were built, making a total of twelve stations for the Hong Kong Satellite Positioning Reference Station Network (formerly known as the Territorial Continuous Global Positioning System Array) covering the whole of Hong Kong. This system helps improving the efficiency and quality of land survey operations.

The Basic Mapping System contains updated digital map databases of graphic map features with attribute information. Licences and permits are issued to private organisations to use the databases to develop their own applications, map products and websites. Utility companies, engineering consultants, computing system consultants and education institutes use the databases for applications involving automated mapping, facilities management, customer support and geographical information systems.

A Digital Map and Land Records Dissemination System is being implemented for maintaining and updating a multi-format map and land record database. The system will include an efficient data communication infrastructure for disseminating digital map and land record data in the appropriate data format to users including government departments, private sector and the general public. The system will also support the submission, manipulation, integration, conversion and dissemination of digital map data generated under the Data Alignment Measures initiated by the Housing, Planning and Lands Bureau.

The computerised Map Archives Retrieval System enables people to search and inspect archived maps and aerial photographs. To date, three kiosks have been set up for public use at the two Map Publications Centres. More kiosks will be installed at other map sales outlets.

Moreover, the Office has for the first time published the Hong Kong Guide 2004 in photomap edition. The guide book turned out to be overwhelmingly popular to users.

