The Territorial Development Strategy (TDS) is
the highest tier of planning in the hierarchy of town plans in Hong
Kong. It provides a broad land use, transport and environmental
framework for planning and development. It also serves as a basis
for preparation of sub-regional plans and detailed district plans.
The last review of the TDS was completed in 1996.
Taking into account the emergence of new factors having strategic
planning implications, a new round of review, the Hong Kong 2030:
Planning Vision and Strategy, commenced in 2000. The study is to
assess Hong Kong's future development needs in a wider regional
perspective and for a longer time horizon. The study comprises four
stages with extensive public consultation conducted at each stage.
The public consultation exercise for the first three stages were
undertaken in 2001, 2002 and 2003-04 respectively. The study is
now at stage four where a preferred development option and a development
strategy are being formulated with a view to consulting the public