Preventing the spread of vector-borne and rodent-borne diseases is one of
FEHD's most important tasks. The department reviews constantly the methodology
and strategy used to control the spread of pests. Anti-rodent and anti-mosquito
campaigns were mounted across Hong Kong during the year to urge people to help
eradicate these pests.
A 12-month pilot study on keeping places free of rats was completed during the
year. The study showed that, with active participation by residents, rat populations
can be reduced.
The department continued its surveillance programme on Aedes albopictus, a
major carrier of dengue fever in Hong Kong. Anti-mosquito squads conducted
inspections of various places in 2006, including construction sites which they visited
20 612 times during the year. They also made 285 957 visits to village-type houses
and eliminated 63 573 mosquito breeding grounds.