Hong Kong 2006
Chapter 7:
Key Achievements in 2006
Major Challenges Ahead
Overall Education Landscape
Regulatory Framework and Governance Structure
Management of Schools and Tertiary Institutions
Curriculum Development
Professional Development at Schools
Student Finance
Community Participation in Education
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Table of Contents Constitution and Administration The Legal System The Economy Financial and Monetary Affairs Commerce and Industry Employment Education Health Food Safety, Environmental Hygiene, Agriculture and Fisheries Social Welfare Housing Land, Public Works and Utilities Transport The Environment Travel and Tourism Public Order Communications, the Media and Information Technology Religion and Custom Recreation, Sport and the Arts Population and Immigration History Appendices PRINT

The Government recognises that education plays a vital role in Hong Kong's development. Reforms are therefore carried out whenever and wherever they are needed to ensure students are in step with changing global dynamics. Lifelong learning is just one of many initiatives taken that are already showing rewarding results.

To keep pace with developments in the fast-changing world and with the needs of society in the 21st century, Hong Kong's education system must keep up with changes. The Education Commission (EC) in its Reform Proposals for the Education System in Hong Kong, announced in September 2000, made 'Learning for Life, Learning through Life' a mission.

Since October 2000, Hong Kong has been carrying out a series of reforms to enhance the quality of education, emphasising diversity, lifelong learning, multiple progression pathways, professionalism, quality assurance, school-based management and accountability. These goals are spelt out in the Education Reform blueprint.

2005 I 2004 I 2003 I 2002 I 2001 I 2000 I 1999 I 1998 I 1997