Lawyers in Hong Kong are admitted as either barristers or solicitors. Solicitors
have limited rights of audience whereas barristers have unlimited rights of audience
in all courts. Lawyers practising within one branch of the profession are not, at the
same time, allowed to practise within the other branch.
Hong Kong has over 5 700 practising solicitors and 698 local law firms, plus 48
foreign law firms, 901 registered foreign lawyers, and 11 registered associations
between foreign law firms and local law firms. Around 380 solicitors are also notaries
public, and are members of the Hong Kong Society of Notaries.
The Law Society is responsible for maintaining professional and ethical standards
of solicitors and foreign lawyers and foreign law firms and for considering complaints
against these legal professionals.
The governing body for Hong Kong's 996 barristers is the Hong Kong Bar
Association. The Bar's Code of Conduct governs their conduct and etiquette.