Hong Kong 2005
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Hong Kong: The Facts*
The 1 955 km of roads (as at end-2005) carry 540 641 licensed vehicles, or about 276 vehicles per kilometre
Longest: Tsing Ma suspension bridge (main span 1 377 metres) and the cable-stayed Ting Kau Bridge (two main spans totalling 923 metres)
Air movements
2005—263 506 flights; 39.80 million passengers; 3.40 million tonnes of freight
Shipping movements
2005—39 140 ocean vessel arrivals; 39 240 departures; port cargo throughput 230.1 million tonnes
Container throughput
2005—22.60 million Twenty-Foot Equivalent Units
Notes: figures presented on this page refer to those released up to end-March 2006
# provisional figures
less than 0.005 million
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