Hong Kong 2005
Traditional Chinese Simplified Chinese
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Hong Kong: The Facts*
Average annual rainfall
2 214.3 mm
Wettest period
Hourly 109.9 mm (May 8, 1992)
daily 534.1 mm (July 19, 1926)
monthly 1 241.1 mm (May 1889)
10% humidity (January 16, 1959)
Highest temperature
36.1°C (August 19, 1900 and August 18, 1990)
Lowest temperature
0.0°C (January 18, 1893)
Highest wind speed (gust)
259 km/h at HK Observatory, 284 km/h at Tate's Cairn
(Typhoon Wanda, September 1, 1962)
Notes: figures presented on this page refer to those released up to end-March 2006
# provisional figures
less than 0.005 million
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