Hong Kong 2005
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Hong Kong: The Facts*
Total employment#: 3.39 million in 2005
Major Employment Sectors in 2005#
Wholesale, retail and import and export trades, restaurants and hotels
1 166 500
34% of total employment
Community, social and personal services
881 800
26% of total employment
Financing, insurance, real estate and business services
508 700
15% of total employment
Transport, storage and communications
356 000
11% of total employment
Construction 271 600
8% of total employment
Manufacturing 178 800
5% of total employment
Unemployment rate 5.6% in 2005
Average wages
(All selected industries)
$10,797 per month
Notes: figures presented on this page refer to those released up to end-March 2006
# provisional figures
less than 0.005 million
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