Hong Kong 2006
Calendar of Events
Traditional Chinese Simplified Chinese
Table of Contents Constitution and Administration The Legal System The Economy Financial and Monetary Affairs Commerce and Industry Employment Education Health Food Safety, Environmental Hygiene, Agriculture and Fisheries Social Welfare Housing Land, Public Works and Utilities Transport The Environment Travel and Tourism Public Order Communications, the Media and Information Technology Religion and Custom Recreation, Sport and the Arts Population and Immigration History Appendices PRINT
5 The Heads of Universities Committee announce the general entrance requirements for admission to undergraduate degree programmes of the eight University Grants Committee-funded institutions in the 2012-13 academic year.
8 Government offices rendering back-end and non-essential services suspend operations for the first time on a Saturday with the introduction of a five-day working week for the civil service.
12 The Secretary for the Environment, Transport and Works announces the results of the Government's assessment of the Kowloon-Canton Railway Corporation's investigation into cracks found in the mounting frames underneath some East Rail trains. Eighteen improvements are recommended.
13 The Financial Reporting Council Ordinance is enacted by the Legislative Council, providing for the establishment of the Financial Reporting Council to investigate irregularities concerning auditors and the reporting of accountants of listed entities and to enquire into non-compliance matters regarding financial statements of listed entities.
14 The Secretary for Justice signs the Arrangement on Reciprocal Enforcement of Judgements in Civil and Commercial Matters by the Courts of the Mainland and HKSAR pursuant to Choice of Court Agreements between Parties Concerned.
15 The Chief Executive embarks on a three-day visit to Singapore to bring himself up to date on its economic, political and social developments.

Census officers start visiting one-tenth of households in Hong Kong to collect data for the 2006 Population By-census.
18 The Government launches a nine-month public consultation on the proposed tax reform and broadening of the tax base.
25 The Chief Executive launches the Action Blue Sky campaign designed to encourage members of the public to save energy and help combat pollution.

The Government welcomes the announcement of the CPG that it supports Hong Kong's former Director of Health, Dr Margaret Chan, World Health Organisation (WHO) Assistant Director-General for Communicable Diseases, in her bid to become the Director-General of WHO.
26 The Government launches a four-month public consultation on further development of the political appointment system.
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