Strategic town planning provides an important framework for the future
development of Hong Kong. To this end, the Government is finalising the Hong Kong
2030 Study which will provide a planning framework for the longer-term
development of Hong Kong.
The Hong Kong Government maintains close liaison with the Guangdong
authorities on planning matters under the Hong Kong-Guangdong Cooperation Joint
Conference. To strengthen the physical connection between Hong Kong and
Shenzhen to tie in with the economic and infrastructural development of both places,
the Government started a joint study with the Shenzhen Municipal Government on a
new corridor to be built at Liantang/Heung Yuen Wai. The study was set up to
establish the need, function and benefits of the corridor. At the same time, the
Government has been carrying out an internal planning study to examine the relevant
planning, environmental and engineering issues of the new cross-boundary control
point, including its connecting roads and land requirements within Hong Kong's