The Beijing Office aims to enhance liaison and communication between the
HKSAR Government and the Central People's Government and other Mainland
authorities; strengthen the HKSAR's economic and trade liaison with Beijing, Tianjin,
Hebei, Henan, Shandong, Shanxi, Liaoning, Jilin, Heilongjiang, Inner Mongolia,
Xinjiang, Gansu, Ningxia, Qinghai and Tibet; promote Hong Kong and encourage
inward investment to Hong Kong from enterprises and corporations in these areas;
process requests for assistance from Hong Kong residents in distress in the Mainland
and handle immigration related matters.
The Beijing Office enables the HKSAR Government to have a better
understanding of the developments and policies on the Mainland and to evaluate
their possible implications for Hong Kong. The office also provides information on
Hong Kong to the Mainland residents and handles their enquiries about Hong Kong.
It handled 385 enquiries in 2006.
The office also promotes Hong Kong's business and professional sectors. In
2006, the office provided support to facilitate visits of various delegations including
the HKSAR's and the financial services delegation's visits to Hunan Province. There are
also regular publicity efforts through the mass media, such as weekly radio
programmes which cover the entire Mainland.
The office also processes applications for entry to Hong Kong, liaise with and
conducts negotiations on visa-free access with foreign diplomatic missions in Beijing,
handles immigration-related enquiries, and provides assistance to Hong Kong
residents in distress on the Mainland. In 2006, there were 5 594 entry applications,
17 431 enquiries and 405 requests for assistance, of which 136 are cases not related
to personal safety.