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Commission on Youth

The main objectives of the Commission on Youth are to advise on matters pertaining to youth, initiate studies and research, promote cooperation and improvement in the provision of youth services and serve as a focal point of contact with other international youth organisations regarding exchange programmes. The Government has been working closely with the Commission in achieving these objectives.

During the year, the Commission organised the fourth Youth Summit with the objective of exploring ways to enhance the participation of Hong Kong young people in the areas of education, media and constitutional development. The proposals that transpired from the Youth Summit were subsequently forwarded to the Commission, the Government, and other concerned parties for consideration. In response to a proposal made during the 2003 Youth Summit, the Commission decided to set up district-based Youth Forums comprising young people living and studying in the relevant districts. It seeks to provide a recognised platform for them to participate in public affairs through the process of deliberating on policy issues and conveying their views to the Government and the wider community.

The Commission also published the report Youth in Hong Kong - A Statistical Profile 2003, which provided broad data and useful references on six youth-related issues: poverty, substance abuse, unemployment, human capital, cultural capital and social capital.

In 2004, the Commission continued to conduct the first-ever benchmarking survey of civic engagement and social networks of youth in Hong Kong. This would establish a baseline for future studies and surveys on this subject, and develop a set of useful indicators for evaluating youth services.

The Commission continued to implement youth development programmes that seek to realise the full potential of young people. These included the International Youth Exchange Programme aimed at broadening the horizons and international perspectives of young people. In 2004, four groups comprising 57 youth delegates visited Australia, Britain, Japan and Ireland under the programme. The Commission also received 63 young people from Britain, Japan, Ireland and Singapore making return visits to Hong Kong.

The Commission continued to implement the Community Participation Scheme for Organising Study Tours to the Mainland to enable young people to enhance their understanding about the history and culture of China. In 2004, the Commission sponsored 193 study tours to the Mainland.

The Charter for Youth enunciates principles and ideals in youth development. To encourage more youth organisations and individuals to subscribe to the Charter, the Commission continued to promote it through distributing leaflets and continued to promote the theme of youth development through broadcasting an API.



2003 2002 2001 2000 1999 1998 1997