On law enforcement, the Labour Department focuses
its inspections on high-risk or accident-prone industries and closely
monitors organisations with poor safety records. Improvement notices
or suspension notices are issued when necessary to secure a speedy
rectification of irregularities, or to remove imminent risks to
lives and limbs. In 2004, 139 suspension notices and 1 416
improvement notices were issued. The department also handled 2 105
prosecutions against employers, contractors and proprietors breaching
the occupational safety and health legislation. The conviction rate
was 85.8 per cent and fines totalled more than $19 million.
Special Enforcement Campaigns
The Labour Department mounts special enforcement
campaigns targeting at high-risk processes, including working-at-height,
scaffolding safety, work in confined spaces, fire and chemical safety,
operating lifting appliances, and cargo and container handling.
In 2004, the department conducted 14 special enforcement campaigns
and 793 prosecutions were initiated. Altogether, 613 improvement
notices and 77 suspension notices were issued.
Intelligence Reporting System
Accidents involving small renovation and maintenance
projects have become increasingly a matter of concern. As these
projects are very often completed within a short time and involve
only a few people, it is difficult to locate the worksites and take
enforcement action. To pin down the targets, the Labour Department
set up an intelligence reporting system with the Hong Kong Association
of Property Management Companies Limited. This has enabled association
members to report renovation and maintenance projects at properties
under their management to the department's occupational safety officers
for prompt action.
Prevention of Transmission of Infectious Diseases
in the Workplace
The Labour Department carried out a series of
inspections of high-risk workplaces such as hospitals, clinics and
elderly homes to ensure that the ventilation of these workplaces
met the required standard and that staff were provided with adequate
personal protective equipment and training on its use to prevent
the spread of SARS and other infectious diseases. In 2004, the department
conducted 1 702 inspections and issued 29 improvement notices
and 603 warnings.