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Key Achievements in 2004
Major Challenges Ahead
Overall Education Landscape
Regulatory Framework and Governance Structure
Management of Schools and Tertiary Institutions
Curriculum Development
Professional Development at Schools
Student Finance
Community Participation in Education
Committee on the Promotion of Civic Education
Commission on Youth
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Committee on the Promotion of Civic Education

The Committee on the Promotion of Civic Education was set up to advise on matters relating to promoting civic education, as well as implementing activities in conjunction with the Government and concerned parties in promoting civic education outside schools.

In 2004, the Committee focused its promotional efforts in good citizenship, civic responsibilities, building a caring and harmonious society, family cohesiveness, respect for human rights and the rule of law, as well as enhancing the sense of national identity and understanding of the Basic Law.

The Committee launched a website to promote various civic education themes. Other promotional activities included telephone hotline stories, special features in newspapers and an interactive drama on the Basic Law. The Committee also produced a series of civic education reference materials, including a family magazine, a youth magazine and a calendar for 2005 depicting winning entries from a photo competition on the theme 'Brighten Up Hong Kong' during the year.

To sustain the care and harmony, unity and solidarity, selfless sacrifice, and a high sense of civic responsibility manifested by Hong Kong people in fighting against Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) in 2003, the Committee launched 'A Tribute to the Fighting Spirit against SARS' roving exhibition in mid-2004. The exhibition covered a wide range of SARS-related publications, documentaries, audio-visual productions and photos. Moreover, the Committee organised the 'Flower Passion Campaign' in conjunction with the District Councils, Home Affairs Department and Leisure and Cultural Services Department. The aim was to promote the sense of caring for the environment and participation in community building.

The Committee organised a territory-wide 'Basic Law Public Speaking Contest', in conjunction with the Peninsula Junior Chamber, Constitutional Affairs Bureau and Department of Justice. The promotional slogan was 'Understand the Basic Law, Learn the Rights and Responsibilities for All'. The purpose of the contest was to enhance public understanding of the Basic Law. As a complementary measure, a series of roving exhibitions and workshops have also been organised in the territory.

To enhance the sense of national identity among the public, the Committee set up a Working Group on National Education comprising members from the Committee and the Commission on Youth. The primary objective is to formulate the strategies and measures to promote national education outside schools. During the year, the Working Group produced a television announcement in the public interest (API) entitled 'Our Home, Our Country'. Featuring the close links between Hong Kong and the Mainland, this short video was the first ever API in Hong Kong which used the national anthem as the theme music.

The Committee continued to implement the Community Participation Scheme to encourage community organisations to organise civic education activities at the district level. To enhance the impact of the scheme the Committee decided to designate a topical theme for the scheme each year as from 2004, with 'Social Participation and Commitment' being the first.

Subsequent to a review of its role and functions and having regard to the latest community developments, the Committee strengthened its strategic planning and research work; devoted more attention to promoting positive civic values targeting young adults and the working population; as well as enhanced collaboration with district-based civic education committees, the education sectors, the media and professionals in its promotional efforts.


2003 2002 2001 2000 1999 1998 1997