Table 38

(Chapter 16: Public Order)

(a) Reported Crimes by Type of Offence
Cases reported
Type of offence 1997   2001   2002  
Violent crime 13 749   13 551   14 140  
Non-violent crime 53 618   59 457   61 737  
Total 67 367   73 008   75 877  
Overall crime rate (per 100 000 population) 1 038   1 086   1 118  
Violent crime rate (per 100 000 population) 212   202   208  
(b) Persons Arrested for Crime by Type of Offence
Persons arrested
Type of offence 1997   2001   2002  
Violent Crime 9 303   8 435   8 781  
Non-violent crime 32 411   30 394   30 884  
Total 41 714   38 829   39 665  
Rate of persons arrested for crime 698   617   622  
  (per 100 000 population)            
Source: Hong Kong Police Force.
(Enquiry Telephone No.: 2860 8448)
(c) ICAC Cases
  Number of persons prosecuted
  1997 2001 2002
      Pending Convicted Acquitted Others Total
Involving individuals employed in 42 61 31 16 4 0 51
  government departments and policy bureaux              
Private sector              
  Civilians prosecuted in public sector cases 82 127 55 61 29 0 145
  Civilians prosecuted in private sector cases 186 337 114 229 48 0 391
  Sub-total 268 464 169 290 77 0 536
Public bodies(1) 5 10 10 3 4 0 17
Total 315 535 210 309 85 0 604
Note: (1) As defined in the Prevention of Bribery Ordinance, Cap. 201.
Source: Independent Commission Against Corruption.
(Enquiry Telephone No.: 2826 3273)