Table 36

(Chapter 15: Travel and Tourism)

Visitor Arrivals by Country/Territory of Residence
Country/Territory of residence 1997   2001   2002  
The mainland of China(1) 2 364   4 449   6 825  
Taiwan 1 920   2 419   2 429  
South East Asian countries 1 459   1 493   1 593  
Japan 1 624   1 337   1 395  
Europe 1 170   1 020   1 084  
U.S.A. 861   936   1 001  
Australia and New Zealand 374   382   405  
Canada 192   250   265  
Others 1 309   1 441   1 569  
Total 11 273   13 725   16 566  
Notes: Figures are based on a systematic sampling of Arrival cards completed by visitors to Hong Kong.
  Figures include arrivals of non-Macao residents via Macao.
  (1) Figures include transients and seamen.
Source: Hong Kong Tourism Board.
(Enquiry Telephone No.: 2807 6543)