Table 35

(Chapter 14: The Environment)

Environmental Statistics
  1997   2001   2002  
Average daily solid waste (tonnes)(1)            
  Municipal solid waste 8 676 * 9 300   9 422  
  Construction and demolition waste 6 481 * 6 408 * 10 202  
  Special waste 618 * 1 109 * 1 534  
  Recovered waste 4 222 * 5 315 * 5 367  
  Total 19 997 * 22 132   26 525  
Pollution complaints handled (number of cases)            
  Air 6 165   11 877   10 471  
  Noise 5 852   10 848   12 487  
  Liquid 1 127   1 628   1 524  
  Solid 753   1 219   1 083  
  Water 74   9   5  
  Miscellaneous 9   16   0  
  Total 13 980   25 597   25 570  
Note: (1) All figures are rounded off to the nearest ten.
Source: Environmental Protection Department.
(Enquiry Telephone No.: 2835 1018)