Table 32

(Chapter 13: Transport)

(a) Inward and Outward Movements of Aircraft and Vessels
  1997   2001   2002  
Aircraft ('000)(1) 165   197   207  
Ocean vessels (million N.R.T.) 398   547   584  
River vessels (million N.R.T.)(1) 103   133   161  
Note: (1) Including both cargo and passenger aircrafts and vessels.
Sources: Civil Aviation Department,
(Enquiry Telephone No.: 2867 4237)
  Marine Department.
(Enquiry Telephone No.: 2873 8371)
(b) Inward and Outward Movements of Cargo
'000 tonnes
  1997   2001   2002  
  By air 840   894   1 004  
  By water 107 513   110 472   119 729  
    By ocean 91 950   88 506   93 444  
    By river 15 563   21 966   26 284  
  By road 18 333 20 853 21 178
  By rail(1) 537   273   283  
  Total 127 223   132 492   142 194  
  By air 947   1 180   1 475  
  By water 61 716   67 738   72 782  
    By ocean 41 351   42 170   44 857  
    By river 20 365   25 568   27 925  
  By road 18 075   17 030   18 432  
  By rail 175   97   102  
  Total 80 913   86 045   92 791  
Note: (1) Figures exclude livestock.
Sources: Civil Aviation Department.
Shipping and Cargo Statistics Section, Census and Statistics Department,
Kowloon-Canton Railway Corporation,
Customs and Excise Department.
(For enquiries, please call Census and Statistics Department. Enquiry Telephone No.: 2582 4661)
(c) Port Container Throughput
'000 TEUs
  1997   2001   2002  
Container terminals 9 564   11 285   11 892  
  Inward 4 555   5 376   5 706  
  Outward 5 009   5 909   6 186  
Other than container terminals 4 822   6 541   7 252  
  Ocean 2 900 3 011 3 326
    Inward 1 584   1 669   1 775  
    Outward 1 316 1 341 1 551
  River 1 922   3 531   3 926  
    Inward 984 1 788 2 011
    Outward 938   1 743   1 916  
Total 14 386   17 826   19 144  
  Inward 7 123   8 833   9 492  
  Outward 7 264   8 993   9 652  
Source: Marine Department.
(Enquiry Telephone No.: 2873 8371)
(d) Arrivals and Departures of Passengers by Mode of Transport
Mode of transport 1997   2001   2002  
  By air 10 841   11 533   11 841  
  By sea(1) 9 341   9 779   10 048  
  By land 32 598   53 557   59 233  
  Total 52 780 74 869 81 122
  By air 10 933   11 488   11 722  
  By sea(1) 9 512   10 238   10 915  
  By land 32 319   53 080   58 402  
  Total 52 764   74 806   81 039  
Note: (1) Including passengers to/from Macao by helicopters.
Source: Immigration Department.
(Enquiry Telephone No.: 2829 3407)