Table 31

(Chapter 12: Land, Public Works and Utilities)

(a) Electricity Distribution
  1997   2001   2002  
Domestic 28 937   32 799   33 394  
Commercial 67 849   84 214   87 241  
Industrial 18 965   16 759   16 112  
Street lighting 311   367   365  
Export to the mainland of China 2 014   5 692   7 830  
Total 118 077   139 830   144 942  
Sources: CLP Power Hong Kong Limited,
The Hongkong Electric Company Limited.
(For enquiries, please call Census and Statistics Department. Enquiry Telephone No.: 2805 6167)
(b) Gas Distribution (Towngas)
  1997   2001   2002  
Domestic 12 465   14 493   14 794  
Commercial 10 529   11 060   10 860  
Industrial 911   1 011   987  
Total 23 906   26 564   26 641  
Source: Hong Kong and China Gas Company Limited.
(For enquiries, please call the Census and Statistics Department. Enquiry Telephone No.: 2805 6167)
(c) Local Sales of Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG)
  1997   2001   2002  
Local sales of liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) 146 277   257 335   342 312  
Source: Industrial Production Statistics Section, Census and Statistics Department.
(Enquiry Telephone No.: 2805 6167)
(d) Water Consumption
Million cubic metres
  1997   2001   2002  
Fresh water 913   940   949  
Sea water (flushing purposes) 198   236   235  
Source: Water Supplies Department.
(Enquiry Telephone No.: 2829 4709)