Table 29

(Chapter 12: Land, Public Works and Utilities)

Property Transactions
  1997   2001   2002  
Value of registered agreements for sale            
  and purchase of property (HK$ billion)            
    Residential property 690.3   150.9   154.3  
    Non-residential property 177.7   41.9   31.1  
    Total 868.0   192.8   185.4  
Property price index (1999 = 100)          
    Private domestic units 163.1 78.7   69.8 #
    Private offices (Grades A, B and C) 213.1   78.7   68.0 #
Property rental index (1999 = 100)            
    Private domestic units 134.5   95.4   83.6 #
    Private offices (Grades A, B and C) 156.8   101.0   85.4 #
Source: Land Registry.
(Enquiry Telephone No.: 2867 2882)