Table 28

(Chapter 11: Housing)

Stock of Permanent Quarters and Estimated Persons Accommodated
as at Mid 2002
Number of quarters+
Type of housing Hong Kong
  Kowloon   New
Public rental housing 76 700   250 200   356 700   683 600  
Subsidised sale flats(1) 41 700   90 500   247 800   380 000  
Private permanent housing(2) 340 300   353 200   552 900   1 246 400  
Total permanent housing 458 800   693 900   1 157 300   2 310 000  
Estimated persons accommodated
Type of housing Hong Kong
  Kowloon   New
Public rental housing 239 600   728 700   1 148 200   2 116 600  
Subsidised sale flats(1) 138 100   283 300   836 800   1 258 200  
Private permanent housing(2) 913 400   1 000 000   1 412 300   3 325 700  
Total permanent housing 1 291 100   2 012 000   3 397 400   6 700 500  
Marine             5 100  
Other(3) 5 400 14 500   61 400   81 300
Total population             6 787 000  
Notes: Figures may not add up to total due to rounding.
  (1) Including the quarters sold under the Housing Authority Tenants Purchase Scheme which were previously included under public rental housing. As from 2002, flats under subsidised sale flats that can be traded in open market are excluded.
  (2) As from 2002, including flats under subsidised sale flats that can be traded in open market.
  (3) Including persons living in public temporary housing, private temporary squatters/huts, rooftop structures, unsheltered areas, etc.
  + As from 2001, the coverage of quarters has been revised mainly to exclude those in hotels and institutions. Therefore, figures in this table are not strictly comparable to those published in 2000 or earlier editions of this publication.
Source: Census Planning Section, Census and Statistics Department.
(Enquiry Telephone No.: 2716 8006)