Table 24

(Chapter 8: Health)

Population and Vital Events
  1997   2001   2002  
Mid-year population 6 489 300   6 724 900   6 787 000  
Crude birth rate (per 1 000 population) 9.1   7.2   7.1 #
Crude death rate (per 1 000 population) 4.9   5.0   5.0 #
Infant mortality rate(1) (per 1 000 registered live births) 4.0   2.7   2.4 #
Neonatal (aged under four weeks) mortality rate(1) 2.2   1.7   1.3 #
  (per 1 000 registered live births)            
Post neonatal (aged from four weeks to under one year) 1.9   1.1   1.0 #
  mortality rate(1) (per 1 000 registered live births)          
Maternal mortality ratio(1) (per 100 000 registered live births) 1.7   2.0   4.2 #
Expectation of life at birth (years)(2)          
  Male 77.2   78.4   78.7 #
  Female 83.2   84.6   84.7 #
Notes: (1) Figures are derived based on registered deaths.
  (2) Figures on expectation of life at birth presented in this table may be different from those presented in earlier editions of this publication. The change is due to some enhancements made to the method of compiling expectation of life at birth.
Sources: Demographic Statistics Section, Census and Statistics Department.
(Enquiry Telephone No.: 2716 8345)
  Department of Health.
(Enquiry Telephone No.: 2961 8569)