Table 20

(Chapter 6: Employment)

Average Wage Rates for Employees up to Supervisory Level (Excluding Managerial
and Professional Employees) by Broad Occupational Group and by Industry Sector
for September 2002
Industry sector Craftsmen and
  Supervisory, technical,
clerical and miscellaneous
non-production workers
  All selected
Average daily wages   Average monthly salaries   Average monthly salaries  
Manufacturing 325     12,243     9,792    
Wholesale, retail and import/export N.A.     11,767     11,767    
  trades, restaurants and hotels                  
Transport services 505     13,170     13,136    
Financing, insurance, real estate 432     10,627     10,636    
  and business services                  
Personal services 538     6,148     6,302    
All selected industries(1) 400     11,085     10,970    
Note: (1) Figures refer to all industries covered by the Wage Enquiry Labour Earnings Survey, including the electricity and gas sector.
Source: Wages and Labour Costs Statistics Section, Census and Statistics Department.
(Enquiry Telephone No.: 2582 5083)