Table 19

(Chapter 6: Employment)

Wage Indices for Employees up to Supervisory Level (Excluding Managerial and
Professional Employees) by Industry Sector
Industry sector Wage index
(September 1992=100)
1997   2001   2002  
Nominal wage index            
  Manufacturing 142.2   149.6   147.3  
      (+5.3)   (+2.7)   (1.5)  
  Wholesale, retail and import/export 147.0   152.3   148.9  
    trades, restaurants and hotels (+7.7)   (+1.1)   (2.2)  
  Transport services 149.7   149.4   149.4  
      (+7.0)   (+0.3)   (§)  
  Financing, insurance, real estate 153.8 157.7 157.8
    and business services (+7.4)   (1.7)   (§)  
  Personal services 149.0 156.9 152.2
      (+5.7)   (+1.4)   (3.0)  
  All selected industries (1) 147.3   152.1   149.7  
  (+7.1)   (+0.7)   (1.5)  
Real wage index            
  Manufacturing 100.8 112.7 115.9
    (§)   (+3.6)   (+2.8)  
  Wholesale, retail and import/export 104.2 114.8 117.2
    trades, restaurants and hotels (+2.3)   (+2.1)   (+2.1)  
  Transport services 106.2   112.6   117.5  
    (+1.6)   (+1.3)   (+4.4)  
  Financing, insurance, real estate 109.1   118.9   124.1  
    and business services (+2.0)   (0.8)   (+4.4)  
  Personal services 105.7   118.2   119.8  
    (+0.4)   (+2.3)   (+1.3)  
  All selected industries (1) 104.5   114.6   117.8  
    (+1.7)   (+1.6)   (+2.8)  
Notes: Figures refer to September of the year. Figures in brackets refer to percentage changes over the same period of the preceding year.
  As from 2001, the Real Wage Indices are derived by deflating the Nominal Wage Indices by the 1999/2000-based CPI(A). To facilitate comparison, Real Wage Indices prior to 2001 have been re-compiled using the 1999/2000-based CPI(A).
  (1) Figures refer to all industries covered by the Wage Enquiry of Labour Earnings Survey, including the electricity and gas sector.
  § Change within ±0.05%.
Source: Wages and Labour Costs Statistics Section, Census and Statistics Department.
(Enquiry Telephone No.: 2582 5083)