Table 18

(Chapter 6: Employment)

Number of Establishments and Persons Engaged (other than those in
the Civil Service) by Industry Sector, and Number of Construction
Sites and Manual Workers at Construction Sites
Industry Sector/Sub-sector 1997 2001 2002
Establishments Persons
  Establishments   Persons
  Establishments   Persons
Mining and quarrying 5 423   7   179   6   117
Manufacturing 25 724 288 887   19 977   202 984   19 106   184 503
Electricity and gas 25 9 678   20   8 096   17   8 406
Wholesale, retail and import/export trades,                  
  restaurants and hotels                    
  Wholesale 15 517 72 194   14 601   66 082   15 514 65 605
  Retail 52 159 206 172   57 681 210 228   58 283 211 076
  Import and export trades 95 970 510 571   98 339   500 719   103 383   499 735
  Restaurants 8 893 178 308   10 685 193 127   10 856 180 547
  Hotels and boarding houses 821 35 827   695   26 815   736   25 994
Transport, storage and communications                    
  Transport and storage 8 580 141 539   9 317   143 594   9 860   144 552
  Communications 971 36 565   1 249   38 104   1 223   31 141
Financing, insurance, real estate and                    
  business services                    
  Financing and insurance 12 992 162 389   15 481   161 069   16 056   152 081
  Real estate 13 091 82 696   9 791   80 658   10 435   87 234
  Business services 21 500 165 894   25 918   192 147   29 952   201 990
Community, social and personal services 25 882 317 683 31 255 385 053 33 968 402 565
All industry sectors above 282 130 2 208 826   295 016   2 208 855   309 395   2 195 546
Construction sites 1 105 83 251 931 76 601 949 66 393
Notes: (a) Figures refer to December of the year.
  (b) Data are based on the Quarterly Survey of Employment and Vacancies and the Quarterly Employment Survey of Construction Sites conducted by the Census and Statistics Department.
  (c) Figures in this table do not cover establishments and persons engaged in the following activities:
    (i) Agriculture and fishing.
     (ii) Construction (other than construction sites).
    (iii) Hawkers and retail pitches (other than market stalls).
    (iv) Taxis, public light buses, goods vehicles, barges, lighters and stevedoring services.
    (v)  Public administration, religious organisations, authors and other independent artists, domestic helpers and miscellaneous recreational and personal services.
  (d) Establishment in construction sites refer to number of sites, while persons engaged refer to manual workers only.
  (e) Manual workers at construction sites include craftsmen, semi-skilled and unskilled workers.
  (f) Starting from March 2002 round of Quarterly Survey of Employment and Vacancies, the survey coverage has been expanded to include five more industries in the community, social and personal services sector. They are veterinary services, billiard centres, bowling centres, electronic game centres and funeral services.
Source: Employment Statistics Section, Census and Statistics Department.
(Enquiry Telephone No.: 2582 5076)