Table 17

(Chapter 6: Employment)

Labour Force, Labour Force Participation Rate,
Unemployment and Underemployment
  1997   2001   2002  
Labour Force(1) ('000)            
  Age Group            
    Under 25 451   408   396  
    2544 1 968   2 047   2 051  
    4564 773   929   998  
    65 and over 43   42   42  
    Overall 3 235   3 427   3 488  
    Male 1 955 1 965 1 965
    Female 1 280   1 462   1 523  
    Overall 3 235   3 427   3 488  
Labour Force Participation Rate (%)            
  Male 75.1   72.9   72.5  
  Female 47.9 50.7 52.0
  Overall 61.3   61.4   61.8  
  Unemployed persons ('000) 71   175   256  
  Unemployment rate (%) 2.2   5.1   7.3  
  Underemployed persons ('000) 37   85   105  
  Underemployment rate (%) 1.1   2.5   3.0  
Notes: Figures are averages of the figures obtained from the General Household Survey for the four quarters of the year.
  (1) The labour force refers to the land-based non-institutional population aged 15 and over who satisfy the criteria for inclusion in the employed population or the unemployed population.
Source: General Household Survey Section (2), Census and Statistics Department.
(Enquiry Telephone No.: 2887 5508)