Table 16

(Chapter 5: Commerce and Industry)

(a) Number of Companies that are Regional Headquarters by
Country/Territory of Incorporation of the Parent Company
Country/territory of incorporation of
the parent company
1997 2001 2002
Number   %     Number   %     Number   %  
United States 219   24.3     221   23.4     233   24.6  
Japan 119   13.2     160   16.9     159   16.8  
The mainland of China 113   12.5     70   7.4     96   10.1  
United Kingdom 84   9.3     90   9.5   80 8.4
Germany 51   5.6     56   5.9     52   5.5  
Netherlands 25   2.8     48   5.1   39 4.1
Switzerland 25   2.8     34 3.6   36 3.8
France 35   3.9     43   4.6     35   3.7  
Singapore 18   2.0     25 2.6   26 2.7
Canada 16   1.8     16   1.7     23   2.4  
Taiwan 28   3.1     22   2.3     21   2.2  
Sweden 18   2.0     16   1.7     17   1.8  
Republic of Korea 19   2.1     13   1.4     17   1.8  
Australia 14   1.6     15   1.6     13   1.4  
Denmark 8   0.9     10   1.1     11   1.2  
Others 122   13.5     110   11.7     94   9.9  
Total 914   949   952
  (903)         (944)         (948)      
(b) Number of Companies that are Regional Offices by
Country/Territory of Incorporation of the Parent Company
Country/territory of incorporation of
the parent company
1997 2001 2002
Number   %     Number   %     Number   %  
Japan 379   23.5     533   23.2     471   21.7  
United States 261   16.2     420   18.3     437   20.1  
The mainland of China 130   8.1     172   7.5     170   7.8  
United Kingdom 130   8.1     163   7.1   163 7.5
Taiwan 49   3.0     142   6.2     121   5.6  
Germany 78   4.8     108   4.7   96 4.4
France 65   4.0     88 3.8   91 4.2
Singapore 44   2.7     77   3.4     79   3.6  
Switzerland 42   2.6     68 3.0   61 2.8
Netherlands 47   2.9     62   2.7     57   2.6  
Australia 33   2.0     43   1.9     52   2.4  
Republic of Korea 80   5.0     76   3.3     49   2.3  
Italy 24   1.5     52   2.3     38   1.8  
Canada 24   1.5     34   1.5     28   1.3  
Austria 18   1.1     32   1.4     26   1.2  
Others 212   13.2     228   9.9     238   11.0  
Total 1 616     2 298     2 177  
  (1 611)         (2 293)         (2 171)      
Notes: Figures refer to 1 June of the year.
  The total number of regional headquarters and regional offices in this table may be greater than the actual number of regional headquarters and regional offices because some companies are joint ventures undertaken by two or more investors. The actual number for respective years is given in brackets, which is used in the calculation of percentage for each country/territory of incorporation.
Source: Business Expectation Statistics Section, Census and Statistics Department.
(Enquiry Telephone No.: 2805 6112)