Table 13

(Chapter 5: Commerce and Industry)

(a) Merchandise Trade by Main Country/Territory
HK$ Billion
Type of trade/Main country/territory 1997   2001   2002  
Imports 1,615.1   1,568.2   1,619.4  
    (+5.2)   (5.4)   (+3.3)  
  The mainland of China 608.4   682.0   717.1  
  Japan 221.6 176.6 182.6
  Taiwan 124.5   107.9   115.9  
  United States 125.4 104.9 91.5
  Republic of Korea 73.2   70.8   76.0  
  Asia-Pacific Economic Co-operation 1,362.6   1,340.9   1,391.4  
  European Union 177.8   151.2   139.2  
Domestic exports 211.4   153.5   130.9  
    (0.4)   (15.2)   (14.7)  
  United States 55.1   47.6   41.9  
  The mainland of China 63.9   49.5   41.4  
  United Kingdom 10.7 8.6 7.6
  Taiwan 7.0   5.3   4.4  
  Germany 10.3 5.8 4.3
  Asia-Pacific Economic Co-operation 163.6   121.6   105.2  
  European Union 36.7   25.5   20.4  
Re-exports 1,244.5   1,327.5   1,429.6  
    (+5.0)   (4.6)   (+7.7)  
  The mainland of China 443.9   496.6   571.9  
  United States 261.4   282.2   291.0  
  Japan 77.7   83.6   80.7  
  United Kingdom 39.1   46.8   46.6  
  Germany 46.3   45.8   44.6  
  Asia-Pacific Economic Co-operation 958.1   1,042.8   1,146.7  
  European Union 177.6   188.2   186.4  
Note: Figures in brackets refer to percentage changes over the same period of the preceding year.
Source: Trade Statistics Dissemination Section, Census and Statistics Department.
(Enquiry Telephone No.: 2582 5042)
(b) Imports, Retained Imports and Re-exports by End-use Category
HK$ Billion
End-use category 1997   2001   2002  
  Imports 76.4   60.4 * 59.1  
  Retained imports (1) 54.7   44.6   44.4 @
  Re-exports 23.8 17.4 * 16.2
Consumer goods            
  Imports 581.5 538.0 * 543.2
  Retained imports (1) 134.0   121.2   118.9 @
  Re-exports 590.4   570.2 * 580.4  
Raw materials and semi-manufactures            
  Imports 564.9   511.4 * 558.1  
  Retained imports (1) 224.5   161.7   162.3 @
  Re-exports 366.9   396.0   448.3  
  Imports 30.0   30.4   31.3  
  Retained imports (1) 16.7 28.6 29.7 @
  Re-exports 14.2   1.9   1.7  
Capital goods      
  Imports 362.3   428.1 * 427.7  
  Retained imports (1) 162.6   152.8   119.4 @
  Re-exports 249.3   342.0 * 383.0  
  Imports 1,615.1   1,568.2   1,619.4  
  Retained imports (1) 592.1   508.9   478.6 @
  Re-exports 1,244.5   1,327.5   1,429.6  
Note: (1) Retained imports refer to those imported goods which are retained for use in Hong Kong rather than being re-exported to other places. The value of retained imports is derived by subtracting the estimated import value of re-exports from the value of imports. The former is obtained by removing an estimated re-export margin from the value of re-exports.
Source: Trade Analysis Section, Census and Statistics Department.
(Enquiry Telephone No.: 2582 4918)
(c) Domestic Exports by Principal Commodity
HK$ Billion
Principal commodity 1997   2001   2002  
Articles of apparel and clothing accessories 72.2   72.2   65.0  
Electrical machinery, apparatus and appliances, and electrical 33.0   20.3   15.6  
  parts thereof            
Textile yarn, fabrics, made-up articles and related products 12.7 8.2   7.6  
Jewellery, goldsmiths' and silversmiths' waves, and other 5.3   4.7   5.2  
  articles of precious or semi-precious materials          
Printed matters 4.8   4.0   3.9  
Source: Trade Statistics Dissemination Section, Census and Statistics Department.
(Enquiry Telephone No.: 2582 5042)