Table 6

(Chapter 3: The Economy)

Public Expenditure by Function
Item Actual 1997-1998 Actual 2001-2002 Revised Estimate 2002-2003
Recurrent Capital Total Recurrent Capital Total Recurrent Capital Total
Community and external affairs                      
  District and community relations 1,292 198 1,490   1,746 98 1,844   1,888 276 2,164
  Recreation, culture and amenities 5,022 1,600 6,622   5,502 879 6,381   5,650 684 6,334
  Sub-total 6,314 1,798 8,112   7,248 977 8,225   7,538 960 8,498
Economic 10,021 7,043 17,064   10,813 2,901 13,714   11,024 3,681 14,705
Education 36,663 10,364 47,027   46,244 5,988 52,232   47,277 7,616 54,893
Environment & food 7,270 5,807 13,077   8,212 2,995 11,207   8,612 3,025 11,637
Health 26,032 1,950 27,982   31,960 2,253 34,213   32,462 1,439 33,901
Housing 11,357 13,294 24,651   12,331 19,724 32,055   12,771 16,280 29,051
  Buildings, lands and planning 2,435 5,153 7,588   3,089 7,679 10,768   3,196 6,346 9,542
  Transport 2,410 4,802 7,212   2,905 3,494 6,399   3,047 4,947 7,994
  Water supply 4,489 1,877 6,366   5,306 2,405 7,711   5,365 2,077 7,442
  Sub-total 9,334 11,832 21,166   11,300 13,578 24,878   11,608 13,370 24,978
  Immigration 1,841 94 1,935   2,236 65 2,301   2,265 341 2,606
  Internal security 17,348 1,486 18,834   18,953 2,726 21,679   19,131 2,454 21,585
  Other 2,852 143 2,995   3,388 186 3,574   3,564 105 3,669
  Sub-total 22,041 1,723 23,764   24,577 2,977 27,554   24,960 2,900 27,860
Social welfare 20,337 1,373 21,710   29,037 1,022 30,059   31,463 1,099 32,562
Support 23,050 7,177 30,227   28,723 6,499 35,222   27,924 7,046 34,970
Total 172,419 62,361 234,780   210,445 58,914 269,359   215,639 57,416 273,055
Notes: Public expenditure comprises government expenditure (i.e. all expenditure charged to the General Revenue Account and financed by the Government's statutory funds excluding Capital Investment Fund), and expenditure by the Trading Funds, the Housing Authority, the Lotteries Fund and the previous Provisional Urban Council and Provisional Regional Council (up to 31 December 1999). Expenditure by institutions in the private or quasi-private sector is included to the extent of their subventions. But not included is expenditure by those organisations, including statutory organisations, in which the Government has only an equity position, such as the Airport Authority, the MTR Corp Ltd and the Kowloon-Canton Railway Corporation. Similarly, advances and equity investments from the Capital Investment Fund are excluded as they do not reflect the actual consumption of resources by the Government.
  Where appropriate, historical figures have been adjusted to comply with the current classification of expenditure.
Source: Financial Services and the Treasury Bureau, Government Secretariat.
(Enquiry Telephone No.: 2810 3658)