Table 1

(Chapter 3: The Economy)

(a) Gross Domestic Product (GDP)
  1997   2001 @ 2002 @
GDP (HK$ billion)            
  At current market prices 1,344.5   1,279.0   1,271.1  
  At constant (2000) market prices 1,190.0   1,296.5   1,325.7  
Per capita GDP (HK$)            
  At current market prices 207,194   190,188   187,282  
  At constant (2000) market prices 183,374   192,793   195,327  
(b) GDP by Expenditure Component
  1997   2001 @ 2002 @
Ratio of expenditure components to GDP at current            
  market prices (%)            
  Private consumption expenditure 60.0   58.3   55.7  
  Government consumption expenditure 8.4   10.1   10.3  
  Gross domestic fixed capital formation 33.6   26.7   23.9  
  Changes in inventories 0.9   0.2   0.3  
  Exports of goods (f.o.b.) 108.3   115.8   122.8  
  Exports of services 21.7   25.3   27.7  
  Less: Imports of goods (f.o.b.) 118.2   121.1   126.0  
    Imports of services 14.6   14.8   14.9  
  GDP   100.0   100.0   100.0  
Year-on-year rates of change of GDP and expenditure            
  components (%)            
  In nominal terms            
    GDP +11.0   0.7   0.6  
    Private consumption expenditure +11.1   +0.2   5.0  
    Government consumption expenditure +8.9   +7.2   +2.0  
    Gross domestic fixed capital formation +19.4   1.6   11.1  
    Exports of goods (f.o.b.) +4.2   5.8   +5.4  
    Imports of goods (f.o.b.) +5.2   5.3   +3.4  
    Exports of services 1.2   +1.7   +9.0  
    Imports of services +4.6   1.0   0.4  
  In real terms            
    GDP +5.1   +0.6   +2.3  
    Private consumption expenditure +6.9   +1.4   1.6  
    Government consumption expenditure +2.4   +6.0   +2.4  
    Gross domestic fixed capital formation +12.6   +2.9   4.4  
    Exports of goods (f.o.b.) +6.1   3.3   +8.6  
    Imports of goods (f.o.b.) +7.3   1.9   +7.9  
    Exports of services 2.1   +5.9   +12.1  
    Imports of services +4.0   0.2   0.8  
(c) GDP by Economic Activity at Current Prices
  1997   2000   2001 @
Percentage contribution of economic activities to GDP            
  at current factor cost (%)            
  Agriculture and fishing 0.1   0.1   0.1  
  Mining and quarrying §   §   §  
  Manufacturing 6.4   5.8   5.2  
  Electricity, gas and water 2.6   3.2   3.3  
  Construction 5.7   5.2   4.8  
  Services 85.1   85.7   86.5  
    Wholesale, retail and import/export trades, restaurants and 25.7   26.4   26.7  
    Transport, storage and communications 9.1   10.2   10.2  
    Financing, insurance, real estate and business services 26.5   23.7   22.6  
    Community, social and personal services 17.4   20.5   21.8  
    Ownership of premises 13.5   12.6   13.1  
    Less: Adjustment for financial intermediation services 7.1   7.8   7.9  
          indirectly measured            
  Total 100.0   100.0   100.0  
GDP at factor cost (HK$ billion) 1,267.5   1,228.9   1,216.4  
(d) GDP by Economic Activity at Constant (2000) Prices
    2001 @ 2002 @
Year-on-year rates of change in real terms of value added          
  of major economic activities (%)          
  Manufacturing   8.6   8.9  
  Construction   4.3   0.8  
  Services   +1.4   +3.2  
    of which:          
    Wholesale, retail and import/export trades, restaurants and hotels   0.3   +5.1  
    Transport, storage and communications   +2.1   +4.2  
    Financing, insurance, real estate and business services   0.6   +0.8  
    Community, social and personal services   +3.9   +0.8  
Notes: As a result of the major revision to the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) introduced in August 2002, figures presented in this table have been revised accordingly and hence may be different from those presented in earlier editions. The objective of the major revision to GDP is to enhance the quality and international comparability of GDP statistics in Hong Kong. The 2002 round of major revision was achieved through (a) incorporating improved estimation methods and new data sources; (b) implementing latest international statistical standards; and (c) updating the base year of constant price GDP series to 2000.
§ Less than 0.05%
Source: National Income Branches (1) and (2), Census and Statistics Department.
(Enquiry Telephone No.: 2582 5077)