Outward Bound Hong Kong

Outward Bound Hong Kong (OBHK) is a registered charity and non-profit-making organisation established in 1970. It is also a member of Outward Bound International, the world leader and originator of outdoor experiential education which, after 60 years, is now operating more than 50 schools in over 30 countries.

    With a mission 'to help people discover and develop their potential to care for themselves, others and the world around them through challenging experiences in unfamiliar settings', Outward Bound provides training for a diverse range of people. Participants may be members of the general public or from client bodies in the education, government and corporate sectors as well as from social welfare, non-profit making and charitable organisations. The training aims at fostering personal development, independent and creative thinking, leadership, teamwork, problem-solving skills, interpersonal relationships and social responsibility.

    Outward Bound uses the experiential learning model that is 'learning-by-doing' through the process of 'plan, do, review, apply'. The outdoors is the classroom, resembling the changing and unpredictable world. Through involving close-knit teams in different indoor and outdoor activities and problem-solving situations, participants experience a series of physical, mental, social and emotional challenges. As a result of these real personal experiences and continuous reviews and reflection, participants are able to gain insights and learn skills which eventually bring about personal change and growth. Every year, more than 6 500 people join the training courses.

    The Tai Mong Tsai Headquarters and the Wong Wan Chau training base have a total capacity of 174. Training facilities have been expanded to include a new Ropes Course at Ah Kung Wan, made possible by a charitable donation from the Arthur Samy Memorial Fund.

    In cooperation with schools, universities and various charitable organisations, Outward Bound continues to deliver programmes for students, teachers and social workers. Such programmes are gaining in popularity as they can contribute to the all-round development of individuals, helping to create caring and competent community leaders.

    Various courses in support of the Government's new Continuing Education Fund are provided for the public with the objective of increasing an individual's ability to deal with the modern world's challenges such as developing life skills and skills in working with others and adopting good values and attitudes.

    A wide variety of customised programmes are also specially designed for corporations, government departments and special groups including the mentally and physically disabled, the socially deprived, youth at risk and former drug addicts. Courses with an international theme include those on the Mainland's 'Silk Road', Japan and Sabah.

    Outward Bound Hong Kong continues to support the activities of Outward Bound China, which opened in 1999 in Guangzhou and can accommodate up to 48 trainees, by providing professional trainers and resources.