Recreation and Sports Programmes

With the aim of promoting sport at all levels of the community, the LCSD organised some 24 400 recreation and sports programmes for over 1 450 000 participants of all ages and abilities in 2002. The total cost of these programmes was $112 million. In addition, the department organised a series of major recreation and sports programmes including the Corporate Games, the Masters Games, the 'Healthy Exercise For All' Campaign and the School Sports Programme.

District Sports Teams

In order to generate more community interest in sport and enhance a stronger sense of belonging among residents, the LCSD with the assistance of the respective National Sports Associations set up district sports teams in basketball, football, badminton and table tennis in the 18 districts. About 4 000 youngsters participated in 317 activities organised in 2002.

Water Sports and Holiday Camps

The LCSD manages four water sports centres (Chong Hing, Tai Mei Tuk, the Jockey Club Wong Shek and St Stephen's Beach) and four holiday camps (Lady MacLehose Holiday Village, Sai Kung Outdoor Recreation Centre, Tso Kung Tam Outdoor Recreation Centre, and Lei Yue Mun Park and Holiday Village). During the year, 79 059 people participated in water sports programmes held at the water sports centres and 536 565 enjoyed the facilities at the holiday camps. To allow more people at work to enjoy camping facilities after office hours, the department provided 'Evening Camp' programmes for 26 486 people in 2002.

'Healthy Exercise for All' Campaign

To enhance public awareness of the importance of exercising regularly in pursuit of a healthy lifestyle, the LCSD and the Department of Health continued to co-organise the 'Healthy Exercise for All' Campaign. Various activities were held throughout the year, including three focal events the Sport-for-All Carnival, Dance Extravaganza and Rope Skipping Challenge Day. Roving demonstrations on three selected sports basketball, dance sports and gymnastics were organised. Leading athletes from the Mainland and Hong Kong performed at these demonstrations to arouse public interest in the sports. 'Dance for Health' and 'Rope Skipping', fitness programmes for senior citizens, persons with a disability and over-weight children as well as two walking schemes were the core programmes. In order to widely publicise the message of the campaign, a series of roving exhibitions was organised in recreational venues and shopping arcades. In 2002, over 90 000 people took part in some 1 800 programmes. In addition, 33 local sports stars were invited to be 'Healthy Exercise Ambassadors' and a total of 246 organisations had become signatories to the 'Active Living Charter'. Videotapes, video discs, leaflets, publications and television programmes were produced to further publicise the campaign to encourage citizens to engage in physical exercise whether at home, at school, at elderly centres or at workplaces.

Region-wide Events

The Corporate Games, aimed specially at the working population, attracted 11 133 participants from 226 industrial and commercial organisations in 17 activities. The Masters Games, held for the 35 and above age group, attracted about 2 100 participants in 10 competitions. The five region-wide Age Group Competitions, which aimed to encourage people of all ages to take part in sports activities, attracted over 35 300 participants. The Hong Kong International Kite Festival and the Hong Kong Sand Sculpture Carnival, which were well received by the public, attracted 12 860 and 2 025 participants, respectively.

Young Athletes Training Scheme

With the assistance of the respective National Sports Associations, 654 activities were organised under the 'Young Athletes Training Scheme', which provided training in badminton, table tennis, football, basketball and swimming at district level for more than 21 100 participants. Talented young players were referred to the relevant National Sports Associations for further training.

School Sports Programme

The School Sports Programme, implemented in 2001, aims at providing more opportunities for primary, secondary and special school students to participate in sports. The programme comprises four constituent parts: Easy Sport Programme, Sport Education Programme, Sport Captain Programme and Outreach Coaching Programme. In 2002, 3 076 sports activities were organised for over 320 000 students from more than 700 schools. An advisory panel has been set up to seek advice from education experts. A close working relationship has been developed with schools and sports organisations in order to deliver the programme and to encourage teachers, students and parents to take part in voluntary work in sport.

Community Sports Club Project

This project was implemented in partnership with the National Sports Associations. It aims to provide sports development opportunities for young players, enhance standards at community level and promote lifelong participation in sport. During the year, 133 community sports clubs joined the project. A total of $2 million was spent on 239 sports training programmes for 12 008 participants. Seminars and management development programmes were organised for 553 sports volunteers with a view to improving the administration of the clubs.