Paralympic Sports Associations

The Hong Kong Sports Association for the Physically Disabled (SAP) was founded in 1972 with the aim of promoting and organising sports training and competition for the physically disabled. The purpose is to help physically disabled persons develop their full potential through sports participation and competition, and to promote a community of equal opportunities and full participation. Since its establishment, the SAP has played an active role in developing sport for the disabled in the Far East and South Pacific (FESPIC) Region.

    Serving as the National Paralympic Committee of Hong Kong, the SAP is the only sports entity recognised by the International Paralympic Committee that may select disabled elite athletes for major international competitions such as the Paralympics and the World Championships. With the commitment and hard work of its athletes and coaches, the SAP achieved impressive results in the international arena in 2002. Altogether, SAP athletes won a total of 95 medals (44 gold, 27 silver and 24 bronze) in international competitions and team members set three new world records.

    The Hong Kong Sports Association for the Mentally Handicapped was founded in 1978. It aims to develop, promote and organise sports activities for persons with a mental handicap in order to fully develop their potential in sports abilities, to cultivate positive attitudes in sportsmanship and to facilitate their integration within the community. The association provides sports training and competitions for more than 25 000 persons, and through the years has been steadily developing a training programme from the grass roots to an elite level.

    Athletes took part in numerous international competitions during the year and made the most of these opportunities to polish their skills. Altogether, they won 81 gold, 62 silver and 44 bronze medals in the competitions, including the FESPIC Games in Busan. Among the other competitions in which athletes competed successfully were Special Olympics meetings in the Mainland (Xian), Macau and Japan; athletics and swimming championships meetings in Germany; athletics world championships in France; table tennis championships in Poland; gymnastics world championships in Northern Ireland; and swimming world championships in Argentina.