Police Force

The Hong Kong Police Force is responsible for protecting the public, preventing and detecting crime, maintaining law and order, ensuring smooth traffic operations and reducing the number of accidents as well as cracking down on illegal immigration.

    At December 31, the Police Force had a strength of about 27 700 police officers supported by some 5 600 civilian staff and reinforced by some 4 400 volunteers serving in the Hong Kong Auxiliary Police Force.

    During the year, the Police Force placed great emphasis on the fight against local and transnational organised crimes. This was fully reflected by its hosting of the first Transnational Organised Crime Conference from March 18 to 21, a conference that significantly enhanced the effectiveness of the force's international cooperation (See later section on Transnational Organised Crime Conference).

    On the home front, the Police Force strove to maintain law and order, which remained stable during the year. Policing priorities for 2002 centred on the fight against violent crime, triad activities and abuse of psychotropic drugs.

    The force's continued crackdown on dangerous drugs resulted in the arrest of 9 413 persons. In addition, as many as 3 100 persons were arrested following a series of anti-triad operations throughout the year.

    The Police Force continued to implement its 'Three Year Strategic Action Plan' which sets out the focus of police work from 2002 to 2004.


Reported crimes in 2002 totalled 75 877, an increase of 3.9 per cent compared with 73 008 crimes recorded in 2001. The crime rate stood at 1 118 cases per 100 000 population, a rise of 3 per cent compared with 1 085.6 cases in 2001. Despite the slight increase, the rate is still one of the lowest in the past 29 years (the fourth lowest since 1974). Nevertheless, the Police Force is vigilant in maintaining law and order to ensure that the HKSAR remains one of the most stable and secure cities in the world.

    Violent crimes including murder, wounding, serious assault, rape, indecent assault, kidnapping, blackmail, criminal intimidation, robbery and arson increased to 14 140 cases. Compared with 13 551 in 2001, the number of violent crimes rose by 4.3 per cent. Robbery, wounding and serious assault accounted for 73.1 per cent of the total number of violent crimes in 2002.

    Altogether, there were 3 493 cases of robbery in 2002, an increase of 10.3 per cent compared with 3 167 cases in 2001. There were four cases of robbery with genuine firearms, compared with three in 2001. Bank robbery cases dropped significantly from 54 in 2001 to 34 in 2002. Most of the bank robberies were perpetrated by lone culprits without the use of serious violence.

    Regarding non-violent crimes, burglary (excluding aggravated burglary) decreased from 8 637 cases in 2001 to 8 202 in 2002, a drop of 5 per cent. Serious narcotics offences decreased from 2 473 in 2001 to 2 243 in 2002, a drop of 9.3 per cent. Theft increased from 29 542 cases in 2001 to 32 025 in 2002, an increase of 8.4 per cent, and deception rose from 4 051 cases to 4 656 over the same period, a rise of 14.9 per cent.

    Of the 75 877 crimes in 2002, 42.7 per cent or 32 423 crimes were detected, with 39 665 people arrested for various criminal offences. Of those arrested, 5 335 were juveniles (aged seven to 15) and 6 027 were young persons (aged 16 to 20). Most of the juveniles and young persons were arrested for shop theft, miscellaneous thefts, wounding and serious assault, and robbery. Drugs offences were also prevalent among young offenders.

Violent Crimes Involving Firearms

In 2002, there were eight cases involving the use of firearms compared with six in 2001. There were 23 firearm seizures in 2002 compared with 14 in the previous year. The majority of the seizures were the direct result of intelligence-based operations conducted by the Police Force. The increased cooperation with other law enforcement agencies, including those on the Mainland, has resulted in the effective exchange of information on the activities of cross-boundary criminal syndicates.

Vehicle Crime

In 2002, a total of 2 412 vehicles were reported missing. This represents a decrease of 5.9 per cent compared with 2 562 vehicles in 2001. In particular, decreases were noted in the theft of luxury vehicles, four-wheel drive 'off-road' vehicles, motorcycles and high-performance vehicles. The downward trend resulted from a combination of rigorous local enforcement, enhanced boundary control and intelligence sharing with overseas and neighbouring jurisdictions. The Mainland authorities' ban on right-hand drive vehicles also continued to provide a disincentive for vehicle theft in Hong Kong.

Organised Crime and Triads

The organised crime and triad situation in Hong Kong remained stable as in previous years. There were 2 604 triad-related cases in 2002, which accounted for only 3.4 per cent of the 75 877 total reported crimes. With the police taking persistent and vigorous enforcement action, this figure has steadily declined over the last few years.

    In 2002, there were 1 828 crime and 17 903 non-crime reports relating to debt collecting activities, compared with 2 019 and 12 639 reports respectively for 2001. Increased proactive enforcement has resulted in a downward trend in these reports since 1999.

    During the period of the FIFA World Cup tournament in 2002, specific and focused enforcement action against illegal soccer bookmaking was organised. A total of 4 000 licensed premises were checked as a result of which 78 arrests were made, and $74 million worth of betting slips and $200,000 in cash seized.

    The Organised and Serious Crimes Ordinance enacted in 1994 also facilitates police action against organised crimes including the confiscation of crime proceeds. During the year, a total of 41 persons were charged with offences under this legislation and court orders resulting in a total confiscation of $1 million were made. In addition, a total of $111.4 million has been restrained pending court proceedings.

    A number of significant cases have been detected through increasingly close liaison with the Mainland and overseas law enforcement agencies. This has proven that transnational cooperation is important to success in the ongoing fight against international organised crime. An example of such action was Operation Firelily, during which over 200 people were arrested and $86 million was restrained. This operation was directed against triad related cross-boundary prostitution activities and it now serves as a model for future cooperation with Mainland authorities in combating organised crime.

Witness Protection

The Witness Protection Programme is administered by the Police Witness Protection Unit. The unit provides a wide range of protective measures, including a change of identity, tailor-made to suit the needs of individual witnesses assessed as being exposed to a genuine threat of serious physical injury or death. It also assists and advises other units and divisions in the Police Force on protection of witnesses who are under a lesser threat.

Child Protection

In 2002, the five Regional Child Abuse Investigation Units investigated a total of 118 child abuse cases (112 of sexual abuse and six of serious physical abuse). The figure increased by 8.3 per cent compared with a total of 109 cases in 2001. To protect the welfare of children, a multi-disciplinary approach was adopted in handling child abuse cases. Joint investigations were conducted with officers of the Social Welfare Department (SWD) in cases that required immediate social work intervention.

    Interviews of children are conducted in one of the five child-friendly video interview suites situated in non-police premises. These interview suites are also equipped with advanced facilities for forensic examinations in a more caring environment.

    In 2002, the Police Force and the SWD organised two joint basic training programmes for 42 police officers and SWD officers in special investigations relating to child protection. An expert from the United States was invited to provide refresher training to child protection investigators. Officers from the Child Protection Policy Unit (CPPU) also gave lectures in public education and publicity programmes on the prevention and handling of abuse cases for parents and concerned professionals from the Government and non-governmental organisations.

    The CPPU maintains close liaison with overseas law enforcement agencies and non-governmental organisations in exchanging information on combating commercial-related sexual exploitation of children. With a view to better protecting children from exploitation in relation to child pornography and child sex tourism, the Administration introduced the Prevention of Child Pornography Bill into the Legislative Council in January.

Commercial Crime

The number of reports of syndicated and serious fraud handled by the Commercial Crime Bureau (CCB) during the year increased by 28 per cent (101 compared with 79 in 2001) and the reported total financial losses rose correspondingly by 19 per cent ($1,505 million compared with $1,264.8 million in 2001).

    Police action against investment fraud in recent years has led to a decline in the number of reported cases. Also, the successful conclusion of a number of 'Loco London gold fraud' court cases, with offenders receiving sentences of up to eight years and four months, has had a deterrent effect on such crimes. Strategic and coordinated action by the CCB and Regions against 'pyramid scheme related fraud' has also continued, with arrest action taken against three companies in 2002. This, together with wide publicity in the media, resulted in a substantial reduction in such fraudulent activities, reversing the trends of 2000 and 2001.

    There has been a continued increase in the number of complaints of suspected bankruptcy fraud, which rose to 619 cases compared with 263 in 2001. The modus operandi of the suspects is to petition for bankruptcy shortly after they have secured bank loans or exhausted the credit limit on newly issued credit cards, thereby potentially defrauding the financial institutions of the amounts outstanding. The CCB is working closely with the Hong Kong Association of Banks' Working Group on Bankruptcy to ensure that all suspected fraud is investigated promptly and thoroughly.

    An important development during the year was the Legislative Council's passing of the Securities and Futures Bill on March 13. This new ordinance, which is targeted to take effect in April 2003, consolidates various other pieces of legislation relating to control, regulation and supervision of the securities and futures markets and also creates criminal offences in respect of certain types of market misconduct.

    The counterfeiting of local currency and of payment cards remains a concern. Most of the counterfeit notes seized during the year were produced by inkjet printers. The majority of the inkjet counterfeits were in denominations of $100 and below. Although the overall amount of counterfeit banknotes seized has increased compared with 2001, the increase has not posed a threat to the integrity of the local currency.

    Technology crime increased by 16 per cent (272 cases in 2002 compared with 235 in 2001) following a decline in 2000. With the growing popularity of e-commerce and an increase in broadband Internet users, criminals have exploited the use of information technology in committing crimes. Crimes reported included unauthorised access to computer systems and Internet accounts, e-commerce deception, criminal damage to systems, sexual offences committed after certain chat-room contacts, and the publishing of pornography. A further trend is the use of computers by criminal syndicates for data storage in loansharking, gambling and fraud cases.

    Although the total number of technology crime reports has remained small, criminals are moving from 'hacking' activities to crimes with monetary gains. The continuing development of new information technology products and business models has enabled criminals to become increasingly sophisticated, and has put pressure on police resources, both in terms of the availability of experienced investigators and of computer forensics facilities.

    The CCB's Technology Crime Division (TCD) has been expanded to meet these challenges. The number of investigations requiring computer forensics examination reached a new level in 2002, with 5 000 gigabytes of data examined. To raise the standard of computer forensics investigation, the Computer Forensics Laboratory was officially opened in September. The laboratory will take a leading role in the move towards the digital evidence era, and work with other agencies around the world to achieve international standards in computer forensics.

    The CCB's continued effort to collaborate with the computer industry, academic institutions and other law enforcement agencies involved in the investigation of technology crime has achieved a number of notable successes, including the development and introduction of the Digital Evidence Search Kit (DESK) with the University of Hong Kong, and an accredited post-graduate training course with the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology.


In 2002, the Police Force gave high priority to tackling the trafficking and abuse of psychotropic substances. At the same time, pressure was maintained in suppressing the trafficking and abuse of heroin. While there were some successes in quelling the previously escalating problem of psychotropic substance abuse, it was clear that sustained enforcement action would be necessary before the trend would substantially reverse. During the year, the force recorded some impressive results in operations to prevent psychotropic substances from reaching the predominantly young abusers. Coordinated territory-wide crackdowns against psychotropic substances continued to be effective. Cooperation with Mainland and Macau counterparts by exchanging information and coordinating operations resulted in the seizure of substantial amounts of psychotropic substances and the arrests of numerous traffickers. In 2002, a total of 2 357 persons were arrested for offences connected to ketamine and 646 were arrested in cases related to 'ecstasy'-type tablets.

    In operations targeting narcotic drugs, the force seized a total of 105.78 kilograms of heroin and dismantled six heroin attenuation centres. The amount of heroin seized was affected by the changing drug abuse trends, for example the prevalence of ketamine, and also because some substantial seizures were made outside Hong Kong, along the trafficking routes to the SAR. Officers also neutralised numerous premises used as divans where heroin was being sold and abused. Traffickers and abusers have switched to this method of supplying and using the drug on account of stringent enforcement by police at street-level 'black spots'.

    Police seized 63.83 kilograms of ketamine, 306.79 kilograms of herbal cannabis, 45 544 'ecstasy'-type tablets and 41.14 kilograms of methamphetamine ('ice'). Throughout the year, officers continued to seize tablets that were purported to be 'ecstasy' but contained a mixture of drugs such as methamphetamine, ketamine and clozapine. A small amount of Gamma Hydroxybutyric Acid (GHB), an illegally produced sedative-hypnotic, was also seized.

    In 2002, the number of persons arrested for drug offences totalled 9 413, compared with 10 077 in 2001. Of those arrested, 1 456 were aged 16 to 20 years and 121 were aged under 16. Compared with 2001 there was a 27 per cent decrease in the number of arrested persons aged under 21. Throughout the year, the Narcotics Bureau and Regional counterparts continued their efforts to enhance the Police Force's drug abuse prevention work, which is especially aimed at young persons.

    Numerous financial investigations to recover the proceeds of drug trafficking were pursued. In total, $3.45 million was surrendered to the Government to fulfil outstanding confiscation orders. In addition, $23 million was restrained pending confiscation. Both local and international money laundering continued to be the subject of vigorous investigation.

Crime Prevention

The Crime Prevention Bureau continued to provide a public advisory service and 26 019 security surveys were conducted for the public and private sectors.

    The bureau continued its educational role through campaigns and seminars, its call-fax and web-page services and the deployment of the Robotcop and the crime prevention bus. Moreover, 1 631 anti-street deception campaigns were held. The bureau also deals with the day-to-day inspection of over 900 security companies and provides briefings to new companies. Guidelines and checklists, such as General Guidelines to Prevent Bank Robberies and Check Lists for Alarm Inspection, are issued to assist relevant professions to prevent crime.

Criminal Information

The Criminal Records Bureau maintains criminal records on people convicted of crime in Hong Kong. During the year, 90 892 new conviction records were filed. The bureau maintains information on wanted people, missing persons and outstanding warrants of arrest. This information is available to Police Force members through the Enhanced Police Operational Nominal Index Computer System (EPONICS) which the bureau maintains round-the-clock. Other records and indices maintained in the bureau include details of missing vehicles, a computerised suspect album library which assists victims and witnesses to identify suspects, an index of crime information sent to the Police Force by members of the public and a system that can provide a means of identifying suspects by their modus operandi.

Forensic Firearms Examination

The Forensic Firearms Examination Bureau continued to play an important role in the investigation of firearms-related crimes by improving its quality of services to the Police Force and other disciplined services. The bureau is an American Society of Crime Laboratory Directors accredited laboratory (since 2000) and ranks in equal status with, for example, the FBI Laboratory.

    The bureau's Scanning Electron Microscope and the computerised Integrated Bullet and Cartridge Identification System remained the most advanced pieces of equipment in the Asian region in solving firearms-related crimes.


The Identification Bureau plays a significant role in the investigation and detection of crimes through providing services relating to fingerprint identification, collection of DNA (Deoxyribonucleic Acid) samples and photography.

    Utilising cutting-edge technologies in the recovery of fingerprints from exhibits/crime scenes, coupled with the highly sophisticated Computer Assisted Fingerprint Identification System, has brought about a breakthrough in the power of fingerprint evidence as a tool in the investigation of crimes. In 2002, 1 733 persons were identified in connection with 1 571 cases, of which 209 were Court of First Instance cases requiring expert evidence.

    Scene of Crime officers provide a fast response to call-out requests from investigators with attendance maintained at 90 per cent within 45 minutes of request. During the year, 3 831 buccal swabs (oral swabs) were taken from suspects, volunteers and convicted persons, and 5 310 DNA samples were recovered from crime scenes for analysis by the Government Laboratory. Officers of the Photographic Section attended 4 773 crime scenes, producing 91 729 monochrome and 1 324 043 colour prints and slides.


The Liaison Bureau acts as a coordination centre in dealing with all police-related inquiries from overseas police organisations and local consulate officials.

    The bureau's Liaison Division is responsible for liaison with Mainland police authorities. Close liaison has been maintained with the Interpol China National Central Bureau in Beijing, the Guangdong Liaison Office, the Shenzhen and Zhuhai Liaison Sub-Offices of Guangdong and other Mainland law enforcement organisations. Since 1990, 223 criminal fugitives and 284 stolen vehicles have been returned to Hong Kong from the Mainland.

    The Interpol Division represents the Police Force in the International Criminal Police Organisation (ICPO), better known as Interpol, as a sub-bureau of the China National Central Bureau. A Hong Kong police officer is seconded to the ICPO General Secretariat in Lyon, France, to work in one of its specialised groups. An officer is also attached to the Hong Kong Economic and Trade Office in Sydney, Australia, to enhance international cooperation in combating crime.

    During the year, with the assistance and cooperation provided by overseas enforcement agencies, five persons were extradited to Hong Kong and six persons were extradited from here to other countries.

Transnational Organised Crime Conference

The four-day Transnational Organised Crime Conference organised by the Police Force in March was held at the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre and brought together a total of 543 delegates from 35 countries and 151 organisations. The delegates included senior officials of law enforcement agencies, lawyers, executives from the banking and finance sectors, academics and various other professionals.

    With a theme of Bridging the GAP A Global Alliance Perspective on Transnational Organised Crime, the conference focused on four major areas of transnational criminal activities including cyber crime, money laundering, changing trends in narcotics crime, and triad societies.

    Distinguished representatives from international agencies delivered keynote speeches while panel discussions were organised for delegates to share their experiences and pave the way forward in strengthening the operational, legal and cultural frameworks to enable law enforcement agencies around the world to cooperate more effectively in the fight against cross-boundary crime.

Public Order

There were no major incidents affecting public order in Hong Kong during the year.

    The Police Tactical Unit (PTU) Headquarters provides training to Regional and District personnel to cope with internal security commitments. During the year, more than 1 300 officers formed eight PTU companies to receive such training. The training provides officers with the capability to carry out a wide range of duties, including anti-crime patrols, anti-illegal immigration operations, security assurance and crowd management for festive occasions, major international conferences, public gatherings, processions and demonstrations.

    PTU officers played an important role in the successful policing of events marking the 5th Anniversary of the Establishment of the HKSAR and major international events hosted in Hong Kong during the year, including the 16th World Congress of Accountants in November and the International Telecommunication Union's Telecom Asia 2002 in December.

    The Special Duties Unit (SDU), which is the Police Force's counter-terrorist response unit, is also based at PTU Headquarters. During the year, it was deployed on a number of occasions to assist other units in various operations. Although the risk of Hong Kong being the target of a terrorist attack is relatively low, following the terrorist attacks in the United States on September 11, 2001, and subsequent terrorist attacks elsewhere, the force has taken measures to ensure its operational readiness to deal with any terrorist threat. Such measures include two major exercises, one based on a biological incident and one based on a terrorist incident at the airport. These exercises each involved the deployment of the SDU. Additionally, the airport based exercise involved a number of non-government and quasi-government organisations which operate there.

Explosive Ordnance Disposal Bureau

The Explosive Ordnance Disposal (EOD) Bureau is responsible for all bomb disposal work in Hong Kong, both on dry land and underwater.

    In 2002, the bureau dealt with 186 call-outs. There was a large diversity of types of incident, with Bomb Disposal Officers dealing with sophisticated Improvised Explosive Devices, Conventional Munitions Disposal (in particular at the Penny's Bay Reclamation Area), underwater munitions clearance operations and a continuing series of hoaxes and false call-outs from suspected anthrax incidents. Throughout the year, the bureau dealt professionally with these while continuing to train other police units in a variety of subjects including safe explosives handling and action at the scene of incidents involving explosive devices.

Illegal Immigration

There has been an overall downward trend since 1993 in illegal immigration from the Mainland. During the year, 5 203 illegal immigrants were arrested by police officers, an average of 14 per day, representing a decrease of 34 per cent compared with 7 918 in 2001. Of these, almost 51 per cent claimed to have entered Hong Kong by sea and the remaining 49 per cent crossed the land boundary.

    Close liaison in the form of regular liaison meetings and exchange of intelligence was maintained with the Guangdong Border Defence Bureau. Additionally, the Guangdong bureau undertook to give full cooperation and assistance to the Police Force in combating illegal immigration and in preventing cross-boundary crimes. Enhancement of protective measures along the boundary fence system was completed in April. This, in conjunction with the use of advanced technical equipment, has further improved the capability of the Police Force in maintaining boundary security.

Police Dog Unit

There are about 170 dogs in the Police Dog Unit, comprising general patrol dogs and 'sniffer' dogs. The unit is responsible for ensuring that all dogs and handlers are professionally trained and their skills are maintained at a high level of proficiency. The unit also provides training to drug detection dogs from the Customs and Excise Department.

    Special 'sniffer' dogs are stationed at the Hong Kong International Airport and the Kai Tak Operational Base to provide round-the-clock service in search operations. The unit's explosives detection dogs also play a key role in security operations undertaken by the Police Force.


In 2002, there were 15 576 traffic accidents involving casualties, representing a decrease of 0.4 per cent compared with 2001. The number of fixed penalty tickets for moving offences issued was 390 268, a decrease of 10 per cent. Police officers and traffic wardens issued 512 627 tickets for parking offences, representing a decrease of 26 per cent. The number of summonses issued to traffic offenders was 61 146, a decrease of 13 per cent.

Police Licensing Office

Through the administration of a licensing system, an effective control has been maintained on the legitimate possession and use of arms and ammunition by individuals and shooting clubs in Hong Kong. The enactment of the Firearms and Ammunition (Amendment) Ordinance 2000 stipulates that firearms instructors and range officers are required to be approved before they are allowed to instruct other persons in the use and handling of arms and ammunition or to conduct and supervise the use of shooting ranges. With the authorisation of 132 arms instructors and approval of 243 range officers, the standard of firearms instruction and management of shooting ranges has been considerably enhanced, thereby further improving the maintenance of public safety and security.

    The Security and Guarding Services Ordinance has been fully implemented since June 1, 1996. A total of 261 716 Security Personnel Permits have been issued and 203 744 of these remain valid. With a view to better regulating the security and guarding services industry, the Police Force has been working closely with the Security and Guarding Services Industry Authority. After a consultation exercise regarding the review in 2001 of the policy governing the issue of Security Personnel Permits to persons having criminal convictions, it was decided to tighten up the issuing criteria.

    With a view to improving the regulatory mechanism in massage establishments and to minimise any inconvenience caused to bona fide trade operators, the Police Licensing Office has implemented a number of service improvements during the year. The Massage Establishment (Amendment) Bill came into effect on December 27, and under its provisions only premises providing full massage services to customers of the opposite sex will require a licence. In addition, registered Chinese medical practitioners, listed Chinese medicine practitioners and registered chiropractors are also exempted from licensing requirements.

Marine Region

The interdiction of sea-borne illegal immigration and smuggling activities remained enforcement priorities for the Marine Police Region, working closely with law enforcement counterparts both locally and in the Mainland. Technological advances with the introduction of enhanced radar systems further promoted the Region's ability to identify and intercept suspected illegal activity resulting in a continued downward trend in illegal immigration and an increase in the apprehension of smugglers. Effective enforcement action resulted in the arrest of 208 persons, the seizure of $42.5 million worth of contraband, together with the interception of 390 Mainland and 48 Vietnamese illegal immigrants in 2002. The introduction of two stationary barges in Deep Bay provided an advanced operational platform to support the units deployed and these, combined with the commissioning of two Keka-class vessels under the launch replacement programme, further strengthened the command, control and logistical aspects of Marine policing.

Public Relations

The Police Public Relations Branch (PPRB) plays an important role in explaining police work to the media and the public as well as strengthening relationships in order to enlist the public's support in the maintenance of law and order.

    Police Community Relations Officers attached to different districts work closely with representatives from government departments and organisations to keep the public well informed on police policies and operational priorities.

    During the year, the Secondary School Liaison Officers Programme and the Junior Police Call Scheme continued to serve as bridges between the police and youngsters. Membership of the scheme stood at 149 633 at year-end.

    In conjunction with Radio Television Hong Kong, the Police Force produces two weekly television programmes, the 30-minute Police Magazine in Cantonese and the five-minute Police Report in English to keep the public informed of prevalent crime trends and to appeal for information that will help officers in investigations. These two programmes continued to enjoy high ratings throughout the year.

    Police telephone hotlines and Crime Information Forms provide convenient channels for crime reporting. The force introduced a dedicated hotline for members of the taxi industry to report crime-related information and intelligence.

    A total of 13 372 hotline phone calls (not including those made to the emergency hotline 999) as well as 2 332 returned Crime Information Forms were registered respectively at year-end, resulting in 204 arrests.

    To commend people's initiatives in helping in the fight against crime, the Police Force held two Good Citizen Award Scheme ceremonies in June and December, with sponsorship from the Hong Kong General Chamber of Commerce.

    Information relating to police activities is disseminated to local and overseas media organisations round-the-clock. During the year, officers seconded from the Information Services Department (ISD) handled 297 470 media enquiries, issued 3 576 press releases, organised 246 press conferences and briefings and assisted media coverage at 302 serious crime scenes and other incidents.

    Information Officers at PPRB also worked closely with their counterparts in the ISD and representatives from other government departments as well as the Fight Crime Committee in planning and implementing the Fight Crime Publicity Campaign 200203 which had two themes, 'anti-shop theft' and 'anti-burglary'.

    In an effort to continue recruiting high-calibre men and women to join the force, the Police Recruitment and Publicity Campaign 200203 was launched with the slogan 'Honesty, Courage and Lifetime Commitment Determined to Ensure Hong Kong Remains the Safest City'.

    To further publicise police-related information effectively, the PPRB continued to update the contents and improve the presentation of the wide variety of force publications, including the biweekly newspaper OffBeat, Police Contact Card, Police in Figures and Performance Pledges.

    Officers from PPRB attended the first Forum on Police Public Relations held in Beijing in October. The forum, attended by some 60 delegates from law enforcement agencies from the Mainland, Macau and the Republic of Korea, heard about the Police Force's experiences in fostering better mutual understanding with the community as well as winning public support in maintaining law and order.

Planning and Development

The Police Force is pursuing a major building works programme, in the forefront of which is the construction of a new Police Headquarters scheduled for completion in April 2004. This complex will be an intelligent building designed to be efficient, user friendly and energy efficient.

    Other building projects include a new Police Dog Unit and Force Search Unit complex in Sha Ling, New Territories, which is due for completion in September 2003. The Hong Kong Disneyland being built at Penny's Bay, Lantau Island, makes provision for a new Police Post which is scheduled for completion in late 2004.

    Also being constructed is a new purpose-built Regional Police Headquarters and Operational Base for the New Territories South Region. This complex is expected to be completed in late 2005. Similar Regional Headquarter complexes for other Police Regions are in the early planning stages. A new Marine Police Outer Waters District and North Division Base at Ma Liu Shui is in an advanced stage of planning.

    The force-wide Station Improvement Project, in which customer service quality is manifested with the provision of modern, high profile report rooms and public interface areas for all divisional police stations, was completed at the end of the year. At the same time, work to upgrade changing room facilities and resource centres to facilitate development and learning among officers, is due to be completed in mid-2003. Security of police stations is being enhanced with the implementation of an Automated Station Security System. Access to police facilities by pedestrians and vehicular traffic alike will be by means of 'smart card' technology. Installation of this system will also result in manpower savings.

    In conjunction with the expanding road and rail infrastructure in Hong Kong, facilities are being planned to police the cross-boundary points as well as providing enhanced accommodation to house the Rail Transport District.


All Regions now have new improved, purpose-built Command Units to provide more efficient and effective front-line command and control. The safety standards of police vehicles continue to improve, meeting internationally recognised levels in seat installation, flooring materials, ergonomic design and reflective markings for enhanced visibility. This safety initiative has also been extended to all new prisoner and illegal immigrant repatriation escort buses. The police fleet has also been fitted with access control tags in preparation for the implementation of the manpower saving automated station access system.


The existing police beat and crime radio networks have been greatly enhanced with additional repeater stations to cater for ever increasing police deployment in new urban and rural developments. In furtherance of the Government's Enhanced Productivity Programme, the traffic police radio platform is now shared with the Correctional Services Department, having been successfully used by the Auxiliary Medical Service since 2001.

    Planning is well in hand for implementation of telephone and structured cabling systems for the new Police Headquarters Phase III building in early 2004. The new telephone system will make use of an Internet Protocol (IP) or hybrid solution, which will be a first step towards a force-wide IP-based telephone platform with integration of voice and data.

    The contract has now been awarded for the Police Force's third generation Command and Control Communications System, which will be built with the latest communication and computer technologies to provide a fully digital radio platform that facilitates transmission of both voice and data. The project is on target for a phased rollout between the third quarter of 2004 and the end of 2005.

Information Technology

The force continues to improve its online services with a number of additional reporting facilities and other features on its fully revamped website. These include a live-feed tickertape dubbed the Police Electronic Bulletin which conveys up-to-the-minute information from police command and control centres to the website. Members of the public and the press are thereby fully informed of incidents of interest as they arise.

Service Quality

During the year, the Police Force carried forward the development of service quality initiatives to promote and reinforce a quality service and customer-focused culture in all police formations as well as to further motivate staff to strive for continuous improvements in the pursuit of service excellence. The achievements were reflected from the results of Staff Opinion and Public Opinion Surveys conducted independently by a surveying company in 2001 which indicated high levels of staff and public confidence in the force. To successfully meet the goals of building quality into police work practice, a Service Quality Award was being introduced into the Police Force and another round of Living-the-Values workshops on enhancing police professionalism was scheduled for the 200203 financial year.

Complaints Against Police

The Complaints and Internal Investigations Branch investigates public complaints against members of the Police Force, including traffic wardens, civilian staff and members of the Hong Kong Auxiliary Police Force. Such investigations are monitored by the Independent Police Complaints Council (IPCC), an independent body comprising leading members of the community appointed by the Chief Executive.

    In 2002, the Complaints Against Police Office (CAPO) received 3 833 complaints, an increase of 590 cases, or 18.2 per cent, compared with 2001. The majority of complaints related to neglect of duty, misconduct and improper manner. These accounted for 69.4 per cent of total complaints.

    During the year, the IPCC endorsed the investigation results of 3 607 complaints cases, which involved 6 213 allegations. The rate of substantiation of complaint allegations that were fully investigated was 13.2 per cent; 40.9 per cent of the allegations was classified as 'withdrawn', 'not pursuable' and 'curtailed'. Complaints of a minor or trivial nature were dealt with by way of Informal Resolution, which was adopted in handling 26.9 per cent of the complaints. A total of 21 police officers were subject to disciplinary action arising from complaints made by members of the community.

Civilian Staff

A civilian establishment of more than 5 600 in 60 different grades is deployed throughout the Police Force, representing about 17 per cent of its total manpower. Civilian staff members play a vital role by performing a wide variety of functional duties to support police operations.


All newly recruited police officers undergo basic training at the Police Training School (PTS). The training periods for recruit constables and inspectors are 27 weeks and 36 weeks, respectively. In 2002, a total of 383 police constables and 15 inspectors passed out from the PTS.

    The Continuation and Promotion Division of the PTS provides development and promotion courses to in-service and newly promoted junior police officers. The division also trains newly recruited traffic wardens and provides traffic training to newly recruited inspectors and serving junior and middle ranking officers.

    In 2002, the PTS continued to assist the Labour Department, the Education Department and the Social Welfare Department in running youth training programmes. The programmes are aimed at developing young people's confidence, discipline, interpersonal skills and leadership potential. During the year, a total of 1 216 teenagers received such training at the PTS.

    The Training and Development Bureau, in addition to its core responsibilities of planning, designing, updating and continuous review of the force's training programmes, has placed emphasis on making learning resources available through a Knowledge Management programme via the Police Intranet.

    In order to foster a lifelong learning culture within the force, a number of selected courses can be undertaken by officers using their own time with reimbursement of course fees upon successful completion. Departmental resources have also been made available for a pilot project of short attachments to private organisations and non-governmental organisations as well as other government departments to gain experience and observe best practices.

    The Higher Training Division's role within the Training Wing is being revised to meet the changing demands of police work. It focuses on the developmental training needs of all officers up to Assistant Commissioner level with the aim of enhancing human resources development. To this end, a variety of courses designed to enhance management skills have been introduced. These include introductory courses for junior officers, three-week general command courses and modular courses on specific topics.

    The Weapons Training Division continued to ensure that the training concepts and methodologies adopted by the force were kept in line with, and in some cases ahead of, international best practices. A new generation of interactive computer training systems was introduced during the year. These systems incorporate interactive training in the use of equipment and of various techniques in tactical situations in addition to the firearms training methods already employed. Continuation tactics training for all District personnel, using the new Tactics Training Complex, will be implemented in early 2003.

    The Detective Training School pays particular attention to skills in interviewing, communication, taking statements, giving evidence and crime management. Laws and procedures are taught through case study.

    With the increasing demand in driver training, a significant review of courses has been conducted by the Police Driving School with a view to increasing training productivity without compromising driving safety and standards. In meeting the operational needs of traffic policing, a motorcycle replacement exercise has been carried out, and the Police Driving School provided familiarisation training for front-line traffic police officers.

    The Information Technology Training Centre continues to play an important role in the provision of user training courses on major computer systems in the Police Force and outsourcing various aspects of microcomputer training with a view to enhancing officers' knowledge of information technology and its application.


There were 1 822 applications for Inspectorate posts in 2002, compared with 1 909 in 2001. Of the 25 officers who were appointed as Inspectors, six were serving officers promoted from within the ranks. Recruitment at the Constable rank remained satisfactory with 618 recruits out of 4 128 applicants.


The Personnel Services Branch provides a wide range of support services in the areas of personal and family welfare, illness, financial protection, bursaries and scholarships for children, psychological consultations, assistance with retirement, sport, recreation, catering and the allocation and maintenance of departmental quarters. During the year, the major sources of funding for most welfare activities in the Police Force were the Police Welfare Fund, the Police Children's Education Trust and the Police Education and Welfare Trust, which were established with funds from public donations. A new medical scholarship was established with the generous donation of a philanthropist for a child of a police officer to be admitted to a university medical school. The Mainland and Overseas Summer Course Sponsorship Scheme was opened up to more children of Junior and Inspectorate officers, and greater parental choice with regard to courses, dates and destinations.

    Welfare officers conducted casework interviews and visited officers in need of welfare advice and support. Loan and grant services were provided to help needy officers and their families. Resettlement courses and job placement services were provided to retiring officers.

    The Police Healthy Lifestyle Working Committee continued to promote activities in financial prudence, and physical and mental well-being. Under the Healthy Lifestyle Initiatives, volunteerism was promoted among police and civilian officers.

    The Psychological Services Group provides counselling services for officers and their immediate family members. The group also promotes peer support among force members.

Force Housing

Some 13 000 departmental quarters were maintained by the Police Force to house different ranks of officers. Apart from quarters, there were also various civil service housing benefits schemes available for serving officers to join, subject to their meeting the criteria of the particular scheme. Housing needs of soon-to-retire officers were catered for by the Civil Service Public Housing Quota system.

    In 2002, five aged quarters sites comprising over 3 000 units were disposed of and replaced by four new Disciplined Services Quarters at Shun Lee, Lai King, West Kowloon and Sau Mau Ping.

Hong Kong Auxiliary Police Force

The establishment of the Hong Kong Auxiliary Police Force (HKAPF) stands at 4 500, with an actual strength of some 4 400 men and women at December 31.

    The HKAPF has a focused role in internal security situations and as a reserve to assist in times of natural disasters or civil emergencies. On a day-to-day basis, it also supports regular officers in the performance of crowd management duties during major public events and in pre-planned operations.