Hong Kong Tourism Board

The HKTB is a subvented organisation officially charged with marketing and promoting Hong Kong around the world as a destination for leisure and business travel. With a board of 20 members drawn from the local community, representing all major sectors of the tourism and related trades, it operates through its Head Office in Hong Kong, 13 full offices and six representative offices world-wide.

    The HKTB's role is to promote Hong Kong's position as a world-class city and the most preferred destination in Asia. It aims to increase the number of tourist arrivals and their contribution to the economy by packaging the HKSAR's diversity of attractions in a way that will most appeal to different target markets, and enhancing visitors' experience when they arrive.

    Many of the HKTB's world-wide promotional efforts are directed through the trade and media. Major travel agents and wholesalers are kept informed of the latest attractions and given assistance to develop attractive packages that include a stay in Hong Kong. In 2002, the HKTB hosted more than 1 550 international media representatives from 30 countries and regions on familiarisation visits.

    The HKTB undertakes extensive market research and monitoring to assess industry trends and visitor feedback, and shares this data with its tourism industry partners.

Information Network

The HKTB maintains Visitor Information and Services Centres on Hong Kong Island (in The Center, Queen's Road Central), and in Kowloon (on the Star Ferry concourse in Tsim Sha Tsui), as well as information counters at the Hong Kong International Airport.

    Visitors can also obtain information on events and attractions through self-service Visitor InfoPoints in district offices and areas popular with tourists, and through electronic kiosks in Mass Transit Railway and Kowloon-Canton Railway stations.

    The HKTB's award-winning discoverhongkong.com consumer website now receives around four million page views a month. In addition, the board maintains a specialised website, PartnerNet, providing information on Hong Kong to the local and international travel trade. This site was substantially upgraded during the year.

    In 2002, the HKTB helped some 1.4 million visitors directly through these information points or by responding to enquiries received by mail, on the Internet, through its Visitor Hotline or at information counters set up at major international conventions and exhibitions.

    About 10.3 million pieces of HKTB literature were distributed during the year by the board and through partner organisations such as hotels, shopping centres, airlines and public transport operators.

    The HKTB provides a Visitors Kit and information on current attractions for visitors, as well as booklets on specific areas of interest such as Museums and Heritage and Hong Kong Walks. A second edition of the popular, trilingual Best of the Best Culinary Guide was produced in late 2002. The HKTB's main promotional publication for overseas consumers, the Traveller's Guide, is published in several different languages and editions, while a number of specialist publications are also produced for the travel industry.


A majority of the HKTB's marketing activities during 2002 centred on the two-year 'City of Life: Hong Kong is it!' campaign. The campaign was organised by the HKTB in cooperation with the Home Affairs Department, the Leisure and Cultural Services Department and the Tourism Commission, with the support of the District Councils and with the Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust as principal sponsor.

    Recognising a growing interest among visitors to learn more about Hong Kong's traditional lifestyle and culture, especially those from the 'long-haul' markets, the HKTB expanded its Cultural Kaleidoscope programme in 2002 and extended it to all markets world-wide. This programme enables visitors to 'Meet the People' and learn more about traditional arts such as tai chi, kung fu, tea-making and fung shui under expert tuition. Visitors can also attend jade, pearl and antiques appreciation classes or sail through the harbour in an authentic Chinese junk.

Convention and Exhibition Travel

Hong Kong is widely recognised as the convention and exhibition capital of Asia. The HKTB provides comprehensive support services to organisations planning to stage major events here. China's accession to the World Trade Organisation has further increased Hong Kong's reputation as the ideal meeting place for Mainland and international companies that wish to showcase their products or services and meet new business partners.

    In 2002, Hong Kong staged 255 international conventions and exhibitions, attracting over 379 560 visitors. In addition, it played host to some 1 559 corporate events, which brought in another 111 725 visitors.

    Prominent events staged during the year included the Unicity Network International Conference, the 41st Orient and South-East Asian Lions Forum, the 16th World Congress of Accountants and the ITU (International Telecommunication Union) Telecom Asia 2002.

Cruise Travel

Hong Kong is becoming an increasingly popular centre for cruise travel. Two luxury cruise liners, the SuperStar Leo and Star Pisces, now use Hong Kong as their home base, providing the opportunity for the HKTB and its trade partners to market Hong Kong as a fly-cruise centre. In addition, 37 international cruise liners made stopovers in Hong Kong during 2002.

    The HKTB commissioned an independent study in mid-2002 and this concluded that Hong Kong is well placed to develop as the primary hub for cruising in South China waters and the Far East, and estimated that the economic benefit to the HKSAR could reach as much as $3.3 billion a year by 2010.