Planning Studies

Studies completed during the year included: Cross Boundary Travel Survey 2001; Study on Phase 2 of the Electronic Services Delivery, Electronic Services Hub and the Planning Information Management Centre; Study on Development Opportunities of the Former Marine Police Headquarters Site in Tsim Sha Tsui; and the Survey on Housing Aspirations of Households.

    Apart from planning studies for the five sub-regions of Hong Kong already mentioned, the ongoing studies carried out by the Planning Department include Hong Kong 2030: Planning Vision and Strategy; Focus Study on Aberdeen Harbour; Study on Planning for Pedestrians; Landscape Value Mapping of Hong Kong; Study on Urban Design Guidelines for Hong Kong; Planning and Development Study on Hong Kong Island South and Lamma Island; Setting Up of a 3-Dimensional Digital Model for the Main Urban Area of Hong Kong; and a Study to Examine Ways to Centralise and Disseminate Planning Data.

    Studies commenced in 2002 include: Feasibility Study for South Lantau and Mui Wo; and Urban Design Study for Planning and Development of South-East Kowloon.

    During the year, the Planning Department also worked on several major development proposals, notably, South-East Kowloon Development; the Central Reclamation Phase III; Wan Chai Development Phase II; and Further Development of Tseung Kwan O.