Community Building and Promoting Mutual Care

Several government departments and NGOs contribute towards the community-building programme which serves to foster among the people of Hong Kong a sense of belonging, mutual care and civic responsibility.

    Community-building efforts involve providing purpose-built facilities for group and community activities, the formation of citizens' organisations, encouraging community participation in the administration of public affairs, solving community problems and improving the quality of community life in general. The Home Affairs Bureau has policy responsibility for the programme and the Home Affairs Department and the SWD are principally responsible for its implementation. The Home Affairs Department, through its network of district offices, is primarily concerned with encouraging participation in community service and promoting mutual care and community spirit through local organisations such as area committees, mutual aid committees, rural committees, charitable organisations, social service groups, kaifong associations and women's organisations.

    The SWD and NGOs, through the provision of group and community work activities, promote social relationships and cohesion within the community and encourage individuals to solve community problems.

Community Investment and Inclusion Fund

In his 2001 Policy Address, the Chief Executive announced the plan to set up the Community Investment and Inclusion Fund, to encourage mutual concern and aid among people and to promote community participation in district and cross-sectoral programmes. The Community Investment and Inclusion Fund Committee was established in April to handle applications for funding. It is envisaged that two to three batches of applications can be processed each year. Applications were called for in August and over 220 project proposals were received in the first batch. By year-end, 12 applications had been approved, involving an allocation of around $9 million.