Fisheries Development

To promote sustainable development of the fishing industry and to conserve fisheries resources in Hong Kong waters, the AFCD continued to pursue a number of fisheries management and conservation measures and to strengthen enforcement against destructive fishing practices prohibited under the Fisheries Protection Ordinance. Besides addressing the issues relating to the decline of fisheries resources in the traditional fishing grounds of Hong Kong fishermen and to assist them in venturing further afield, the department completed a consultancy study to look into the feasibility of developing an offshore fishing industry. The findings of the study serve as a reference to fishermen who are interested in developing an offshore fishing business. The department will continue to assist fishermen in developing offshore fishing through the provision of technical support, liaison services and credit facilities.

    Moreover, the department has been implementing an artificial reef deployment project in two phases to enhance fisheries resources and to promote conservation of the marine environment. The first phase, involving deployment of a total of 9 670 square metres of artificial reefs in Hoi Ha Wan and Yan Chau Tong Marine Parks, was completed in 1999. The results are encouraging. Over 200 species of fish, including many high-valued species such as coral trout and green wrasse, have been found using the reefs for feeding, shelter and as spawning and nursery areas. The second phase, which involves the deployment of 26 160 square metres of artificial reefs in Port Shelter and Long Harbour, commenced in September 2001 and is scheduled for completion in mid-2003. In addition, the department continued to monitor the results of a trial on releasing fish fry in artificial reef areas in Hoi Ha Wan and Yan Chau Tong Marine Parks, conducted in 2001, with a view to assessing its effectiveness in enhancing fisheries resources.

    To enhance public awareness of the importance of fisheries resources conservation in Hong Kong, the AFCD has launched a bilingual website, the Hong Kong Fish Net ( It contains interesting fisheries-related information and a 'Hong Kong Marine Fish Database', which consists of photographs and data of about 1 000 marine fishes in Hong Kong and provides useful information for educational and research purposes.

    The Mainland fisheries authority continued to enforce a fishing moratorium in the South China Sea between June 1 and August 1 to conserve fisheries resources. Apart from gill-netting, long-lining, hand-lining and cage trapping, all fishing operations were banned during this period. About 1 400 Hong Kong fishing vessels were affected. The Government will continue to assist affected fishermen to cope with the fishing moratorium through the provision of low-interest loans, supporting services and vocational training.

    To enhance the sustainability of the local aquaculture industry, the AFCD conducts adaptive development studies and provides technical services to fish farmers. A fish health management programme is in place to help fish farmers minimise losses due to fish diseases. Under the programme, departmental staff make regular visits to fish farms to educate fish farmers on measures for disease prevention and detection, and to provide a fish disease diagnostic service in case of an outbreak. Improved culture techniques and good management practices are also extended to fish farmers through seminars, on-farm demonstrations as well as advisory leaflets and guidelines.

    Traditionally, marine cultured fish are fed with trash fish. In recent years, with the department's effort, an increasing number of marine fish farmers have switched to moist or dry pellet feed which reduces pollution and improves both feed efficiency and fish health.

    To provide wider choice of species for culture, the department is identifying new species with good market potential for recommendation to fish farmers. Trial culture of high-finned grouper indicated that a fairly good growth rate could be obtained under cage culture conditions. Further study on the survival rate of this species during winter in Hong Kong is being conducted.

    To mitigate the impact of mariculture on the surrounding environment, the AFCD, in collaboration with the City University of Hong Kong, is conducting a study on using artificial reefs (biofilters) to provide a hard substratum for growing filter-feeders, such as green-lipped mussels, to trap and remove organic wastes, thereby improving the water quality. The trial biofilters were placed in the fish culture zone in Kau Sai at the end of April. The study will also investigate the value of green-lipped mussels from local fish culture zones for human consumption and marketing.

    In view of the growing public interest in recreational fishing and the requests by some mariculturists that visitors be allowed to engage in recreational fishing on their fish rafts, the AFCD started a trial scheme on recreational fishing in two fish culture zones in Yung Shue Au and Kau Sai. The department will consider extending the scheme to other fish culture zones having regard to the result of the pioneer operations.

    The department continues to implement its red tide monitoring and management measures with a view to minimising the impact of red tides on mariculture. The monitoring effort includes a proactive phytoplankton monitoring before the formation of a red tide and rapid risk assessments of red tide incidents reported. A computerised system with Geographic Information System technology helps visualise the spatial and temporal distribution of red tides and provides a quick analysis of their development and movement. Red tide warnings are disseminated to mariculturists and the public through the red tide support groups set up in different fish culture zones, press releases and the AFCD website.