
At present, fresh meat in Hong Kong is supplied from three privately operated slaughterhouses: Sheung Shui Slaughterhouse, Tsuen Wan Slaughterhouse and Cheung Chau Slaughterhouse. The FEHD assumes the role of the managing authority to monitor and oversee the operation of these slaughterhouses.

    During the year, to enhance food safety and public health protection, 31 648 animal health certificates were verified and 72 480 urine and tissue samples were collected from slaughterhouse animals for testing of veterinary drug residues. A total of 2 165 300 pigs, 47 766 cattle and 3 778 goats were slaughtered and examined in the three slaughterhouses. Meat supplied from slaughterhouses must be subject to inspections by health inspectors and only meat fit for human consumption is released for sale in the market.

    Since being set up in October 2000, the dedicated Task Force continued to accomplish good results in cracking down on illegal slaughtering and unlicensed meat roasting activities. There were 462 raids on suspected illegal slaughterhouses, in addition to regular and surprise checks on meat stalls. As a result, eight persons were arrested and 6 312 kilograms of pork and 55 live pigs were seized.

    In action against unlicensed meat roasting factories, 20 operations were mounted and seven arrests made. In all, 812 kilograms of roasted meat and 2 979 kilograms of raw food were seized.