Office of the Privacy Commissioner for Personal Data

The Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance provides for the appointment of a Privacy Commissioner for Personal Data to monitor, supervise and promote compliance with the ordinance. The Privacy Commissioner's Office (PCO) began full operation in December 1996.

    In 2002, the PCO handled 17 114 enquiries and 990 complaints, and conducted 29 compliance checks in relation to the ordinance.

    With a view to providing practical guidance on the application of the provisions of the ordinance in respect of employee monitoring, the PCO issued a consultation document on the Draft Code of Practice on Monitoring and Personal Data Privacy at Work in March 2002. In August, it also issued a consultation document on the proposed relaxation provisions put forward by the financial industry pertaining to the sharing of positive credit data in the Code of Practice on Consumer Credit Data. The proposal aimed at alleviating the problem of growing consumer indebtedness and personal bankruptcies.

    To provide the general public with a better understanding of the ordinance, the PCO produced several publications, including an information booklet and newsletters.

    During the year, the office undertook a variety of activities to promote awareness and understanding of the ordinance. These activities included regular introductory seminars, Data Protection Officers' Club meetings and workshops, a series of Privacy Summer Consumer Roadshows, and broadcasting Announcements in the Public Interest on radio. The PCO also participated in the Education and Careers Expo, SME Market Day and the Law Society's Annual Convention. To develop awareness of privacy protection among the young generation, the office co-organised with the Hong Kong Federation of Youth Groups an open competition entitled Privacy Protection in Action: TV Advertisement Competition for young people.

Home Pages

Administration Wing, Chief Secretary for Administration's Office:

Department of Justice:


Legal Aid Department:

Home Affairs Bureau: