
The official languages of Hong Kong are Chinese and English. It is the Government's policy to develop and maintain a Civil Service that is proficient in both written Chinese and English and conversant in Cantonese, Putonghua and spoken English. While reports and publications of public interest issued by the Government are available in both languages, correspondence with the public is in the language appropriate to the recipients. The Official Languages Agency provides language-related services to all government bureaux/departments. In addition to providing translation and interpretation services, its Chinese Language Officers also draft speeches and edit important documents in Chinese for senior officers. Simultaneous interpretation services are provided by its Simultaneous Interpreters at official meetings when necessary.

    The agency has been promoting the wider use of Chinese in the Civil Service through a wide range of activities including seminars and lectures on Chinese language and culture. Recognising the increasing demand for civil servants to be conversant in Putonghua, the agency has also stepped up efforts to promote Putonghua. During the '2002 Putonghua Month' organised by the Putonghua League of Hong Kong from September 15 to October 13, it hosted a web-based Putonghua Quiz for all civil servants.

    The agency also provides central research and support services. It runs a Helpdesk which answers telephone enquiries from civil servants on the use of official languages. It develops writing aids and reference materials, such as guidebooks on official Chinese writing and English-Chinese glossaries of terms commonly used in government departments. In order to arouse the interest of civil servants in Chinese and English, the agency publishes a quarterly newsletter entitled Word Power. The agency's publication and reference materials can be accessed at its home page.