Office of the HKSAR Government in Beijing

The Beijing Office was established in March 1999 in accordance with Article 22 of the Basic Law. Its main role is to enhance liaison and communication between the HKSAR Government and the CPG and other Mainland provincial/municipal authorities.

    Through its liaison work, the Beijing Office provides information about Hong Kong to the CPG, other Mainland authorities and non-governmental bodies, thus helping to promote better understanding of Hong Kong's development and progress. The Beijing Office also keeps relevant bureaux and departments of the HKSAR Government informed about the latest developments in the Mainland, especially with regard to policies and practices, so as to enable the Government to evaluate their possible implications for Hong Kong. On the instructions of bureaux and departments, the Beijing Office also represents the Government in taking action on specific issues with relevant Mainland authorities. Furthermore, the Beijing Office assists in arranging official visits and exchanges for delegations between Hong Kong and the Mainland. With regard to services for the public, it handled a total of 774 trade, economic and general enquiries and requests for assistance in 2002.

    The Beijing Office regularly organises activities to promote Hong Kong in the Mainland with a view to enhancing the Mainland's understanding of Hong Kong's systems and latest developments, strengthening trade and economic links, as well as facilitating exchanges between Hong Kong and the Mainland. In 2002, the office organised a large-scale exhibition in Beijing to mark the 5th Anniversary of the Establishment of the HKSAR. It also organised promotions in Shandong, Jiangsu and Inner Mongolia with a view to promoting Hong Kong's advantages, as well as assisting its businesses and professions to explore opportunities in the Mainland market.

    With the support of the China National Radio, the Beijing Office broadcasts a weekly radio programme to keep the residents in the southern part of the Mainland informed of the latest developments in Hong Kong.

    In addition, the Beijing Office handles immigration matters. It processes applications for entry to Hong Kong and conducts negotiations on visa-free access with foreign diplomatic missions in Beijing. The office also provides practical assistance to Hong Kong residents in distress in the Mainland, and handles requests for assistance involving the detention of Hong Kong residents there. It handled 209 such cases in 2002.