Working Relationship with the Mainland Authorities

Since reunification, the HKSAR Government has made significant progress in developing and maintaining a cordial working relationship with the CPG and other Mainland authorities. Through a wide range of exchanges, including visits, meetings, seminars and training programmes, various bureaux and departments of the HKSAR Government have enhanced mutual understanding with their Mainland counterparts. Some have also made arrangements to underline the commitment of both sides to cooperate in such areas as postal services, marine conservation and the fight against intellectual property piracy.

    The Hong Kong and Macao Affairs Office (HKMAO) of the State Council plays the role of a facilitator and provides assistance to the HKSAR Government in developing official contacts with Mainland authorities. Liaison with the HKMAO is maintained on matters such as arrangements of visits by HKSAR Government officials and issues of mutual concern. Meetings are held between the Constitutional Affairs Bureau and the HKMAO to enhance communication.

    Article 22 of the Basic Law provides that no department of the CPG and no province, autonomous region, or municipality may interfere in the affairs which the HKSAR administers on its own in accordance with the Basic Law. The HKMAO continues to play the role of a 'gate-keeper' to ensure that the Mainland authorities at all levels conduct business with the HKSAR in line with this principle.

    As the closest Mainland province, Guangdong has probably the most extensive network of communication with the HKSAR. For 21 years, the Cross-boundary Liaison System has provided an effective mechanism for Hong Kong and Guangdong to discuss and resolve practical issues of mutual concern, including the fight against cross-boundary crime and the regulation of the Shenzhen River. Cooperation with Guangdong was further strengthened with the establishment of the Hong Kong/Guangdong Cooperation Joint Conference in March 1998 by the HKSAR Government and the Guangdong Provincial Government in conjunction with the HKMAO. It provides a high-level forum to explore and coordinate major initiatives in cooperation between Hong Kong and Guangdong. Since its establishment, both sides have conducted a number of cooperative projects in the areas of boundary crossing arrangements, financial services, tourism, environmental protection and the provision of electronic links between the two governments. To step up its efforts to further Hong Kong/Guangdong collaboration, the HKSAR Government set up the Hong Kong Guangdong Cooperation Coordination Unit in August 2001 to act as a driving force and coordinator to facilitate cross-boundary cooperation and economic development with Guangdong, in particular the Pearl River Delta area, in order to expedite the synergistic development and to capitalise on the business opportunities arising from China's accession to the World Trade Organisation. In January 2002, the Mainland/HKSAR Conference on the Coordination of Major Infrastructure Projects was set up to enhance coordination and cooperation between the Mainland and the HKSAR in transport and major infrastructure projects, and to promote economic development of both sides. Co-chaired by the Chief Secretary for Administration and the Vice-Chairman of the State Development Planning Commission, the Conference comprises representatives of Guangdong Province and the relevant municipalities as well as experts from departments of both sides involved in infrastructure planning.