
The official languages of Hong Kong are Chinese and English. Reports
and publications of public interest issued by the government are available
in both languages. Simultaneous interpretation is provided at official
meetings where necessary and appropriate. Correspondence from the
public in Chinese is replied to in Chinese.

The government continues to step up efforts to promote wider use of
Chinese in the civil service. The ultimate objective is to develop a civil
service which is able to operate efficiently in Chinese and English and is
generally conversant in spoken Cantonese, Putonghua and English. The
Official Languages Agency has initiated an out-reach programme of visits
to heads of departments and grades to discuss with them their progress
on the use of Chinese. In addition to guidebooks and reference materials
on Chinese writing, the agency has developed electronic glossaries of
terms commonly used in the government and templates of Chinese
documents to facilitate drafting in Chinese. In 1997, $60.3 million was
spent on equipping civil servants with computers and training in Chinese
word processing.

In May 1997, the Bilingual Laws Advisory Committee finished its work
and declared completion of the law translation programme which
provides a basis for a bilingual judicial system. The complete set of the
Laws of Hong Kong now has an authentic Chinese version.


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