Housing Policy

The government's objectives are to help all households gain access to
adequate and affordable housing and to encourage home ownership in the
community. It seeks to achieve these goals by:

  • assessing housing demand regularly and accurately;
  • providing a sufficient supply of land, together with supporting
    infrastructure, shortening development procedures and relieving
    constraints on the construction industry;
  • drawing up a long-term flat production programme and putting in
    place an efficient mechanism for monitoring progress and problem
  • creating the conditions to enable the private sector to make the fullest
    possible contribution towards meeting the demand for housing, while
    at the same time monitoring the private property market and, if
    necessary, taking measures to discourage property speculation;
  • implementing subsidised housing schemes to enable those in the
    relevant income groups to buy their own homes;
  • providing public housing at reasonable rents to those who cannot
    afford any other type of housing; and
  • implementing initiatives to address the housing needs of groups in
    special need.


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