Hong Kong 2005
Traditional Chinese Simplified Chinese
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Hong Kong: The Facts*
Population: 6.9359 million (as at mid-2005)
Hong Kong Island 1.26 million 18.2%
Kowloon 2.07 million 29.8%
New Territories 3.60 million 51.9%
Marine 0.1%
Age structure    
Median age: 39.1 Under 15: 14.5% 65 and over: 12.1%
Sex ratio
Overall: 921 males per 1 000 females
Under 15: 1 067 65 and over: 869
Overall density
6 420 people per square kilometre. The most densely populated District Council district is Kwun Tong with a density of 52 160 persons per square kilometre.
At the end of 2005, about 2.13 million people lived in public rental housing estates (managed by the Hong Kong Housing Authority and the Hong Kong Housing Society). The number of flats was 720 300.

In 2005, Hong Kong had 2.28 million domestic households: 53.4% occupied by the owners, 42.3% by tenants, and 4.4% by persons living in either rent-free accommodation or accommodation provided by employers.
Crude birth rate
8.2 per 1 000 popn
Crude death rate
5.5# per 1 000 popn
Expectation of life at birth
Male 78.8 years# Female 84.4 years#
Predominantly of Chinese descent 95%
Total foreign passport-holders (as at end 2005): 517 560
Largest groups  
Philippines 130 810
Indonesia 114 020
Thailand 28 360
US 28 190
India 21 820
Canada 21 780
Nepal 17 900
Australia 15 730
Malaysia 14 190
Pakistan 14 140
UK 13 490
Japan 11 800
Sub-total 432 230
Religion and Custom
Buddhists and Taoists make up the vast majority. Others (estimates): Christians 660 000; Muslims 90 000; Hindus 40 000; Sikhs 8 000; Jews 2 500.
Notes: figures presented on this page refer to those released up to end-March 2006
# provisional figures
less than 0.005 million
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